How to sync Sharepoint libraries with OneDrive
You can now sync Sharepoint document libraries with the OneDrive client to your computer. Microsoft is also removing support for mapped drives to Sharepoint sites, so this will now be the default way to sync document libraries from Sharepoint to your computer. This method works for Windows AND MacOS.
When syncing Sharepoint libraries using OneDrive, please keep in mind that the default behavior from the OneDrive client is to DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING to your computer, which means that if the library is big and your hard drive is small, you may run into stability issues. Choose carefully.
This is not the most up to date info, we are working with HUIT to make the appropriate changes:
You can learn more about getting started with OneDrive here:
First, please follow HUIT's guide to setting up your OneDrive. The guide can be found here:
Install the client:
General instructions from the Microsoft site you can choose your OS and get the most up to date installer.
Make sure the version of the client is at least: 19.086.0502.0006
MacOS: Get the newest installer from the Microsoft website, scroll down to the "Install OneDrive for Mac" link.
Windows: If your computer is running Windows 10, you should already have it, otherwise go to this Microsoft page you can find the executable here
Setup the One drive client:
Once you have the client installed, you'll be prompted for authentication.
- Type your harvardkey username on the first window and hit next.
- The following window will ask for both the HarvardKey username and the password.
- If you have 2-step authentication configured for your o365 account (recommended) an extra window will be presented to retrieve the token.
- On the next window you will be asked for the behavior the one drive client should have when it comes to synchronizing your information to your computer, for the purpose of configuring your Sharepoint site, it is best to UNCHECK the automatic synchronization of data.
- Once the client is configured, make sure you use the "files on Demand" feature to make sure only the data you decided to is always available on your computer.
- Go to the OneDrive client for your OS (a cloud on your icon tray for windows, at the top of your screen for macs) and right click on it. Click on More and then preferences:
- On the first tab, at the bottom, click on "Save space and download files as you use them" (on windows) or the "Turn on Files On-Demand" button (on mac, your client may restart after setting it up, the button will change to "Turn off Files On-Demand"):
- Go to the OneDrive client for your OS (a cloud on your icon tray for windows, at the top of your screen for macs) and right click on it. Click on More and then preferences:
Configure Sharepoint to use the OneDrive
- Sign into your Sharepoint site with a web browser (works on Chrome, Firefox and IE)
- Click to the document library (folder) you wish to sync.
- You do not have to sync the entire library. You may sync sub-folders only if you wish. Go to the library you wish to sync
- In the top library menu, click the Sync icon. See below:
- Once you click sync, your browser may pop up asking to open the OneDrive protocol and/or application. Click Open Microsoft OneDrive.
- Your OneDrive client may ask you to sign in again, and ask you to set a new OneDrive sync library.
- This is due to the fact that your Sharepoint sites sync location HAS to be separate from your personal OneDrive sync location.
- OneDrive will name this location C:\<path>\Harvard University\<Sharepoint Site Name> - <Site Document Library> where:
- <path> is the path to your OneDrive sync location on your computer
- <Sharepoint Site Name> is the name of the site where the document library you are syncing is called
- <Site Document Library> is the name of the document library you wish to sync.
- Here, the site name below is SEAS, and the document library is called Team Documents
- Your OneDrive client will then open a window, asking you to confirm you wish to sync the document library in question.
Below is a sample screenshot. Here, any folders in the library are also shown, and can be synced or not by checking or unchecking the boxes, as stated before
No Sync for Sharepoint
Uncheck to avoid syncing the files and folders from the library on your computer as you may run out of space or have conflicts
- After clicking Next, you will then see you are now ready to sync your library. You can now go to your OneDrive folder.
- Note below you will see my personal OneDrive, and above that, Harvard University, and my sync library, <Site Name> - <Document Library>, here SEAS - Team Documents, and inside that, the folders.
- Note below you will see my personal OneDrive, and above that, Harvard University, and my sync library, <Site Name> - <Document Library>, here SEAS - Team Documents, and inside that, the folders.
8. You can now go to your other document libraries and sync them, and they will be added to your OneDrive list. In the above screenshot, they would be added under Harvard University using the <site name> - <document library> naming convention.
Icon differences
When the client is properly installed, after opening the specific folder where your library is sync, you will see the list of your files with different icons next to them depending on the type of synchronization you have decided.
Here is a complete article on the meaning of the different icons : Link to icons on OneDrive managed folders
You can choose to:
- Keep always a local copy on your local drive that will sync constantly to and from the cloud copy.
- Use only when you have access to the internet
- Has been downloaded to temporary work with.
You can find some troubleshooting from Microsoft here
File paths can't be longer than 400 characters. Rename these files to a shorter path.
Files can't be bigger than 15Gig in size. Compress or split them.
Please send any questions or issues to
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