SEAS Dropbox eligibility table
Requesting accounts for "Requires exception" categories
SEAS community members who fall into a category which "Requires exception" will need to be sponsored by a SEAS faculty member to receive a SEAS Dropbox account. The faculty or faculty administrator should send an email to with the subject line "SEAS Dropbox exception request". This email should contain the names and email addresses of the people who will receive the Dropbox accounts.
Paying for Harvard Dropbox accounts where not eligible for a subsidized account
Note that SEAS community members who are not eligible for a SEAS-funded Dropbox account may still be provided with an account if they or their department / lab will cover the $47 per-year cost per account. The process for this is still under development, but will be documented on this page when it is finalized.
Category | Affiliation | Eligible for SEAS-Funded Dropbox Account (Yes, No, Requires Exception) |
Staff | Exempt and Non-Exempt Staff | Yes |
Faculty | Professor (including Associate, Assistant, Professor of Practice) | Yes |
Faculty | Lecturer or Senior Lecturer | Yes |
Faculty | Preceptor or Senior Preceptor | Yes |
Faculty | Adjunct Professor | No |
Faculty | Visiting Professor (including Visiting Associate, Visiting Assistant) | Requires Exception |
Faculty | Research Professor | Yes |
Faculty | Professor Emeritus | Yes |
Faculty | Temporary Academic | Requires Exception |
Research | Associate | Yes |
Research | Research Associate | Yes |
Research | Fellow | Yes |
Research | Post Doctoral Fellow | Yes |
Research | Senior Research Fellow | Yes |
Research | Visiting Scholar | Requires Exception |
Research | Visiting Undergraduate Researcher | No |
TA/TF | Teaching Assistant | Requires Exception |
TA/TF | Teaching Fellow | Requires Exception |
Student | PhD student | Requires Exception |
Student | Joint-degree student | No |
Student | Masters student | No |
Student | Undergraduate Students in SEAS courses | No |
Student | Extension School student | No |
Student | Student working in a SEAS faculty lab | No |
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