OpenFoam on Cannon and Desktop/Laptop
This page has information on running OpenFoam interactively as well as in batch mode on the RC-Cluster (currently Cannon). To learn basics of modeling with OpenFoam, please visit:
Openfoam via singularity container
We have built a singularity container with freecad, gmsh, openfoam and paraview. The container can be used on the RC-Cluster (in both the interactive and batch modes) or on a local linux machine with singularity installed.
On the RC-Cluster
Running interactively
Connect to the RC-Cluster (currently Cannon) via OnDemand ( Open a terminal and create a directory for OpenFoam:
mkdir openfoam-test cd openfoam-test
Run the openFoam container with shell option to obtain a command shell.
singularity shell /n/seas_computing/scientific_software/freecad-OpenFoam.simg
Once inside shell, you should be able to run a simple test job as follows:
source /opt/openfoam8/etc/bashrc cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily . cd pitzDaily blockMesh simpleFoam
Running in batch
To run openfoam in batch, you can create a bash script with openfoam setup, meshing and run commands in a script (say scr_pitzDaily) and invoke the script via singularity in a slurm submit script (say The script "scr_pitzDaily" might look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash source /opt/openfoam8/etc/bashrc rm -rf pitzDaily cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/ . cd pitzDaily #Create mesh blockMesh #Run openfoam via the solver simpleFoam simpleFoam
The submit script "" might look like:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -n 1 #Number of cores #SBATCH -N 1 #Number of nodes #SBATCH -t 60 #Runtime in minutes #SBATCH -p general #Partition to submit to #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500 #Memory per cpu in MB (see also --mem) module load intel/17.0.4-fasrc01 impi/2017.2.174-fasrc01 singularity exec /n/seas_computing/scientific_software/freecad-OpenFoam.simg ./scr_pitzDaily # Report some useful info date exit
Modeling on your own desktop/laptop
Installing OpenFOAM (with FreeCAD, GMSH, and ParaView) on Desktop/Laptop.
The singularity image on The RC-Cluster (freecad-OpenFoam.simg) can be downloaded to your desktop/laptop and run in a flavor of Linux (eg: ubuntu) with singularity installed. For this you need:
- Either a linux desktop/laptop or linux installed in a virtualized environment (such as virtualbox). For help with this, just use a modern search engine (google, bing, etc.) and look for "ubuntu installation in virtualbox" etc. There is plenty of documentation available on this.
- Install singularity. Visit the following and look under documentation for users: - Once you have singularity installed, the commands are identical to those under "OpenFoam via singularity – running interactively" described above.
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