[HMS/HSCI] Introduction to ChIP-seq workshop
Introduction to ChIP-seq analysis
Date & Time:
Summer 2020, Dates TBD
Note: Registration will open about 3 weeks prior to the workshop dates, and the dates/times above may be updated at that time.
This 2-day hands-on workshop will instruct participants on how to efficiently manage and analyze ChIP-seq data starting from sequence reads through to peak calling, finishing with visualization and functional assessment of identified genomic regions.
This is one of our advanced workshops, and requires registrants to have attended the following Basic workshops offered by our training team within the last 6-8 months:
If you have not taken the above workshops with us, but are already fluent with R and shell/bash and already use HMS-RC's O2 cluster, please do the following:
- Complete the registration first
- Then email us directly at hbctraining@hsph.harvard.edu with a description of your knowledge/experience.
Who should attend?
Eligible* Harvard researchers who want to learn:
- How to design a good ChIP-seq experiment
- The analysis workflow starting with raw ChIP-sequencing data (Illumina) and identifying significantly enriched regions ("calling peaks")
- How to compute and assess QC metrics and make subsequent decisions at every step in the workflow
- How to visualize and qualitatively assess the quality of the called peaks
- How to take genomic regions and generate biologically-relevant information, i.e. annotation and functional analysis.
Cost and Registration:
There is a non-refundable and non-transferable $65 registration fee for this advanced workshop.
We will be accepting 20-30 participants on a first-come, first-served basis:
If you are one of the first 20-30 eligible* registrants, you will receive an email with a link to pay the (non-refundable & non-transferable) $65 registration fee.**
If you are not among the first 20-30 eligible* registrants, you will be added to the waitlist and notified accordingly.
**NOTE: You will not have a reserved seat for this workshop until you pay the registration fee. Please make sure you pay within the time stated in that email, else you will lose your spot to someone on the waitlist.
Eligibility requirements:
* To be eligible to attend this workshop you should fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
- Harvard Medical School researcher in a lab on the Quad, with grants administered by HMS
- Harvard researchers whose PIs are associated with the HSCI as Principal or Affiliated faculty
If you are unsure of your eligibility, please register anyways and we will get back to you.
Registration is closed.
(Please check the eligibility requirements above prior to registering)
Please contact us at hbctraining@hsph.harvard.edu with any questions.
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