DRS Guide

DRS Guide

Tips for Searching Web Admin


Go to the DRS Web Admin > Search page, and under the Advanced Search section, select Objects. Useful field searches include:

Owner Supplied Name
:  typically an identifier we've supplied such as call number, EADID, or MMSID. No spaces in this field.

RGM_CL02_01   (wam catalogs)
med00223         (Waldo Albigence Papers)
RGM_CL02*       (all wam objects starting with this #)
*M_CL02*          (even more truncation)
990006032070203941_BSMIC  (MMSID)

Object ID:  can obtain from PDS url - see bold segment below - or email load reports)

MODS Title:  use for titles obtained from PDS view or other known item titles.  note this field defaults to boolean OR, so force AND by adding additional search command. 

MODS Title - Contains - Warren Anatomical
(quotes don't work either)

MODS Title - Contains - Warren
MODS Title - Contains - Anatomical

Owner Code:  good to use in combination with one of the fields above if they alone are giving too many results.

To export search results as a CSV: 
Select desired results (can also select all) and under Action, choose Download Search Results.

Saving DRS Load Reports

When an item is deposited into the DRS, you will be emailed a DRS load report. The information in these emails and the attached reports is especially useful for quickly finding items later in the DRS, and should be maintained. It is easiest to save each report as you receive it, but you can also do so in batches if you have a backlog of reports to download. The instructions below will cover both methods.

Create a new folder on the N-drive for each collection.

For each collection that you have load reports for, create a new collection folder on the N-drive, unless the collection folder already exists:

  1. Navigate to: N:\Administration_CHoM\Programs_and_Program_Planning\Preservation and Digitization\DRS_admin\DRS Load Reports
  2. Create a folder for the collection using the collection creator’s name.
    1. If the creator is a person, use the format: LastName_FirstName
              Ex. Moreno_Zerka
    2. If the creator is a corporate body, the name can be entered in direct order.
              Ex. Harvard University
    3. If the creator is a corporate body with a very long name, an abbreviation or acronym may be used, as long as that form of the name is unique and easily identifiable.
              Ex. BSMI (acronym for Boston Society for Medical Improvement)
  3. Within the collection folder, create two sub-folders: Emails and Files

Saving a batch of reports:

Search your inbox for DRS load report emails:

  1. Filter your inbox to show only emails from drs2-support@hulmail.harvard.edu.
    1. Click into the search bar in Outlook, then click the “from” button above the box. Paste the above email address into the search bar between the quotation marks.
    2. Filtering your inbox this way will show all drs load report emails in your inbox (potentially from multiple projects).
  2. If you want to filter further by project, you will need to add to the above search a common portion of the batch names used for the project. Your search will look like this: from:”drs2-support@hulmail.harvard.edu” [Enter search term here]
    1. Your search term will often be the collection creator’s name, but you will need to know how it’s structured in the DRS batch titles. You can’t choose a portion of the batch name that starts in the middle of a string of characters.
      1. For example: “HMS.COUNT_MaxwellFinland_Box029” is a batch name from the Maxwell Finland papers digitization. “MaxwellFinland” appears in each batch name in the project.
        This search WILL NOT work:from:”drs2-support@hulmail.harvard.edu” Finland
        This is search WILL work: from:”drs2-support@hulmail.harvard.edu” Maxwell

Save DRS load report emails:

Each DRS load report email has a load report attached. You’ll want to save both because the email itself has information that isn’t included in the report. The following steps are for saving the emails:

  1. Highlight all emails that you found in the above search.
  2. Right click and copy & paste these files into the “Emails” folder you created earlier.

Save attached DRS load reports:

The easiest way to save the load report attachments is to use a freeware tool designed for this purpose.

  1. Download mAttachmentSaver:
    1. Download and open the zip file from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Save-attachments-from-5b6bf54b.
    2. Save the mAttachmentSaver.bas file from the downloaded zip file to a local folder.
  2. Open the mAttachmentSaver file in Windows Visual Basic:
    1. In Outlook, highlight the emails you want to extract attachments from.
    2. Type alt-F11 to open a Windows Visual Basic window.
    3. Open the “File” menu and click “import File”. This will open a file browser window.
      1. Navigate to the mAttachmentSaver.bas file you just downloaded, highlight the file, and click “Open.”
    4. In the “Project1” navigation tree in the left panel, the mAttachmentSaver file should now be visible under the “Modules” branch. Highlight the file.
  3. Extract attachments to the collection’s “Files” folder:
    1. Click the green triangle (play) button in the top menu bar, or type F5.
      1. A Macros window will pop up.
    2. Click Run.
      1. A Browse for Folder window will pop up.
    3. Navigate to and highlight the collection’s “Files” folder (where you will save the attachments). Click OK.
      1. You will get a popup message that tells you the number of attachments that were saved.
  4. Double check your folder to make sure all attachments were saved.

Saving individual reports:

Saving a single report as it arrives is the best way of ensuring that you don’t lose it.

  1. Right click the message, and copy & paste into the collection’s “Emails” folder.
  2. Download the email attachment to the collection’s “Files” folder.

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