15. Viewing Your Deposited Objects

15. Viewing Your Deposited Objects

In Web Admin

Use Firefox or Chrome web browsers. Internet Explorer is currently not supported.

  1. Connect to DRS Web Admin: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul:drs2-admin
  2. Enter the object ID from the emailed batch report into the Quick Search field and click on the Quick Search button.
  3. Click on the object ID in the search results.
  4. You will see an object view page with summarized information about your object.
  5. View files in your objects by clicking on files IDs within the file listing table at the bottom of the screen.

For more instructions on searching Web Admin please consult the DRS Web Admin User Guide.

In DRS public delivery systems

You can view deliverable files from your deposited DRS 2 objects and PDS objects deposited to DRS 2 using the following DRS Delivery Services: IDS, PDS, FDS and SDS (audio streaming delivery). Still Image files are delivered by IDS; PDS Document objects are delivered by PDS; Document files (PDFs), plain text, xml, sgml files and downloadable audio files are delivered by FDS. Streaming Audio files are delivered by SDS. The URNs created by Batch Builder 2 resolve in NRS.

Use the following URLs to view your DRS2 objects:

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