Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Link to current agenda minutes: September 2022-present

July 2018


  • Adrien Hilton
  • Melanie Wisner
  • Ashley Nary
  • Michael Austin
  • Jen Lyons
  • Magee Lawhorn
  • Betts Coup (minutes)
  • Rachel Parker
  • Susan Wyssen (absent)
  • Irina Klyagin (absent)
  • Vicki Denby (absent)


  • We have agreed to start taking minutes during these meetings. Betts Coup volunteered to record this month’s minutes.
  • Discussion of processing updates from all attendees
  • Discussion of the implementation of Alma and any issues since going live:
    • We will not be using implementing Connexion, and will be creating and editing records in Alma.
    • The templates are easy to create and work with, challenging to share with a limited audience. Work-arounds include making a template public for a brief period or sending the template directly to another user, so that colleagues can save and use.
    • There are challenges with reporting due to the fact that various fields (908, 541, 351, etc.) are not indexed.
    • Adrien offered to discuss performance evaluations, and mentioned that she’ll be scheduling conversations in the next few weeks. Evaluations must be complete by July 30.

Action Items:

  • Need to establish the position of information regarding minimally processed collections or those without end processing. This has been in the Processing note, but the Access note exports to the Aeon slip, so it might be more useful for Public Services if in the Access note.
  • Create workflows for consolidating/merging records when dealing with multiple accruals.

June 2018


I’d like to spend most of the meeting discussing your thoughts regarding priorities for the coming year. This goes beyond what you’re processing day to day and into broader, more Section- or Department-wide goals.

My areas of focus for the Section fall into the categories below:

  • Building born-digital capacity
  • Communicating our work to colleagues (via blog and/or other means)
  • Backlog reduction
  • Establishing collection and location management policies
  • Strategizing re: setting processing priorities (whether driven by curators, users, public services, preservation, etc.)
  • Professional development and engagement

I’m curious to find out what you all are thinking about and/or your thoughts on the above bullet points.

May 2018


Joint Processing Guidelines

Debrief from Strategic Planning

April 2018


March 2018


Discussion around updating and standardizing Conditions Governing Access notes

February 2018


January 2018


For our meeting next week, I’d like to spend about half the hour going over the ArchivesSpace Excel spreadsheet importer. For those of you in need of its use more immediately, please bring a box, several folders, or an existing spreadsheet to the meeting. It will help if we have real world examples.

The documentation lives on the LTS wiki: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LibraryStaffDoc/%28Draft%29+Adding+Archival+Objects+Using+Excel

I’d like to spend the remainder of the meeting discussing performance management. Susan P. sent around Technical Services Department goals that she’d like included. I thought we could brainstorm for a bit as to whether we have any Section or team goals we’d like to focus on next year.

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