2019/04/05 Minutes

2019/04/05 Minutes


Present: Susan, Lewis, Adrien, Linda

Absent: Dorothy

Minutes: Susan


  • We discussed the agenda for next week's department meeting. Adrien is going to an update on the container management project.  Adrien is also going to talk about the possibility of hiring a Digital Archivist. We will have time to discuss renovation. Susan will mention procedures for bringing home personal copies. We should also discuss new suppressed records documentation. Adrien, Lewis and Linda will make sure our documentation is updated by the meeting.
  • Michael (temp) has been working on clearing the HTC Reading Room, all the sets are gone.  Michael is going to consolidate what is left and Dale will review.  Michael should be done by the end of next week.  Ally (temp) is working on the phase boxing for the Lobby materials.
  • We had a discussion about an article on performance management: https://hbr.org/2019/03/the-feedback-fallacy