Author Arrangement Scheme - Obsolete (reference page only)
(3rd element of call number)
— | Individual works; no letter prefixed. Includes any work printed for the first time, and translations classed for the translator. |
A | Prefaces, introductions, or small contributions to another author's works. |
Az | Spurious and doubtful works. |
B | Collections of two or more works previously published separately in book form; do not use for collections of letters, or for collections of poems, essays, or stories previously published in periodicals; includes binding collections. Use the year of publication of the collection in hand (in the case of binding collections, use the date of the latest piece in the volume), not the year of the first edition of the collection. |
C | Complete works; for editions published over a period of years, use the date of the first volume to appear. |
D | Selections or extracts of an author's works; use the date of the book in hand. |
E | Translations; add a second letter according to the following: |
F | Adaptations, dramatic version by one author of another author's original novel, sequels written by other authors, librettos adapted from an original work, etc. |
Fp | Recordings (records, cassettes, disks) |
Fz | Radio scripts (other than those published in book form); usually mimeographed. |
G | Illustrations of an author's work. |
Gp | Musical phonograph records. |
Gz | Musical settings of literary works. |
H | Imitations, parodies, satires. |
J | Dictionaries, encyclopedias. |
K | Indexes, concordances, glossaries. |
L | Periodicals; to be followed by Cutter number for periodical (LAt63 = Atlantic monthly); used chiefly for analyzing an author's contributions to a periodical, but may also be used for a periodical edited by the author. |
M | Societies, archives, etc; the initial of the city in which the society or archive is located may be added if necessary (i.e. to distinguish the Browning Society, New York, from the Browning Society, Boston). |
N | Exhibitions, memorials, festivals, pageants, etc., honoring an author. |
P | Iconography (portraits, medals, stamps, busts, etc.). |
Q | Bibliography, literary history. |
R | Sources upon which an author drew for his work; may also be used for a work by another author inspiring a reply by the author. |
S | Criticism and commentaries of a general nature dealing entirely with the author (aesthetic, literary, philosophical evaluations, etc.). |
Sz | Books not primarily but only in part concerned with the author. |
T | Criticism and commentaries dealing with an individual work by the author. |
W | Biography, books dealing primarily with the life of the author rather than evaluations of his work. |
Y | Relatives and friends (books written by or about members of the author's family or close circle of friends); conversation books, table talk, etc.; Festschriften; books dedicated to the author; collections of letters addressed to the author; funeral orations. |
Z | The author's relations with his contemporaries, reminiscences of him by them, books about contemporary situations in which the author was involved, caricatures of the author, etc. |
Za | Poetry, fiction, etc., on the author. |
Zc | Special interests or activities of the author. |
Zy | Used for special collections or libraries of special provenance, sometimes restricted (see Emerson, Aldrich, Longfellow, Carlyle shelf-lists). |
Zz | Books from the author's library, with or without his autograph, manuscript notes, etc. |
Zzx | Used for collections of ephemera, usually shelved in file-boxes. |