630 Subject added entry - uniform title

630 Subject added entry - uniform title

A uniform title used as a subject added entry. Use this field particularly for manuscripts that are commentaries, e.g., on the Bible.

indicators:       1st       0-9       Number of non-filing characters

                      2nd      0          Library of Congress Subject Headings

Houghton practice is to use “0” chiefly for Library of Congress (as per 600 and 610). For other thesauri consult MARC.

subfields:        $$a - Uniform title

                      $$l - Language of a work

                      $$p - Name of part/section of a work

                      $$v - Form subdivision.

                      $$x - General subdivision.

punctuation: End with a mark of punctuation.


$$a Uniform title

Follow AACR2 Chapter 25 rules for formulating a uniform title.  Enter prescribed parenthetical information added to make a title distinctive in subfield $$a.

$$l Languages

When a text has been presented in translation, record the language(s) here.  Use “&” to separate multiple languages; the original language will be last if used; if the language is an early form of a modern language, add name of modern language, followed by early form in parentheses, as in "French (Anglo-Norman)".


630  _0 $$a Clavicula Salomonis.  $$l French.

630  _0 $$a Otello. $$s Vocal score. $$k Selections. $$l English & Italian.


$$p Name of a part or section of the work

Use especially for the Bible, Old Testament vs. New Testament, or for a book in the bible.


130  0_  $$a Bible. $$p New Testament.

130  0_  $$a Bible. $$p Ezra.

130  0_  $$a Bible. $$p Corinthians, 1st.



$$v Form subdivision

Terms indicating the genre, form, and/or physical characteristics of the materials being described. Use subfield $$x if the terms function as general subdivisions.  A $$v might be used in a record describing a letter in which an author discusses illustrations chosen for a book.  A form subdivision in subfield $$v is generally the last subfield in the field, no punctuation before.


630 00 $$a Bible. $$p O.T. $$p Apocrypha. $$p Wisdom of Solomon $$v Photographs. 


$$x General subdivision

A subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield $$v, $$y or $$z. Use subfield $$x only when a general topical term is added to a uniform title.  Common manuscript uses include the following:




630 00  $$a Bible. $$p N.T. $$p John $$x Commentaries $$x Early works to 1800.

630 00  $$a Perl (Middle English poem) $$x Appreciation.




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