ArchivesSpace Accession Records

ArchivesSpace Accession Records

Creating an Accession record in ArchivesSpace

  1. Go to https://arstaff.lib.harvard.edu and open ArchivesSpace
  2. Log in with HarvardKey
  3. Browse Accessions
  4. Sort list by identifier (accession number) in descending order
  5. Find the last identifier in the sequence for the appropriate curatorial prefix:
    1. Modern, Early Modern, Early, Poetry → YYYYM-#
    2. Theatre → YYYYMT-#
    3. Printing and Graphic Arts → YYYYMH-#
    4. Theodore Roosevelt → YYYYTRM-#
  6. Make note of the next sequential identifier
  7. Go to “Create” in the upper left of your screen and select “Accession” from the drop down menu 
  8. Fill in the first box only of the identifier field with the new sequential accession number (e.g. 2023MT-15)
  9. Do NOT check the Publish button; accession records are not public
  10. Press "Save"
  11. Continue to fill in at least the required fields, saving often

Helpful resources

Yale ASpace accessioning video

The following are required fields for Houghton ArchivesSpace accession records:


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Use a DACS-compliant title for the accession record consisting of creator and type of material with a possible subject component.

If accession is an accrual to an existing collection, note this by putting ADD following the title. (May be followed by a colon and brief description of the material added.)

Leonard Bernstein correspondence ADD

Houghton Library collection concerning slavery in Cuba

Collection of manuscript music scores by M. W. Balfe

Autograph File, Q ADD: Fern Quinn letter to William Whetherby


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Accession number consisting of the fiscal year, an alpha designation, a dash, and a sequential number (no leading zeros). The entire accession number should go in the first identifier box. The alpha designation is "M" unless the acquisition is by the Theatre Collection ("MT"), Printing & Graphic Arts ("MH"), or Theodore Roosevelt collection ("TRM").





Accession Date

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This is the date of receipt of the materials, not the date of creation of the accession record.

Content Description

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This field copies over to the resource record as Scope and Contents. Provide summary details on the contents of the accession.

Condition Description

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A description of the condition of the materials, including special handling instructions.

Box 1 in the collection contains brittle newsprint, use care handling.

Includes glass negatives, fragile; use provided gloves.

Volume is bound in vellum; may not go to HD.


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Use to indicate the new collection call number or the call number of the collection the material is being added to; if the latter, add the word "ACCRUAL". The call number should be the first entry within this field, if used.

Also see Related Resources.


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Information about donor/dealers, fund names, and acquisition date. Do not include addresses or purchase amounts. While this information does not automatically transfer to a spawned resource record, this line may be copied manually to the resource record in an "Immediate Source" note.

2008M-99. Transfer from Widener Library (purchased from K. Jackson), 2008 December 1.

2022MT-115. Purchased from Auger Down Books with the Frank E. Chase Bequest, 2022 March 28.

2005M-10. Gift of W.E.B. Du Bois Institute (purchased from George Robert Minkoff Inc.), 2005 August 18.

2017MH-2. Purchased from Phoebe Jane Easton with the Rosamond B. Loring fund, the Printing & Graphic Arts fund, the Caroline Miller Parker Collection fund, the Osgood Hooker fund, the Philip Hofer Trust fund, the Imrie de Vegh fund, and the Frank Denny Book fund, 2017 June.

Custodial History (record as a General Note, to be converted to Custodial History in ASpace)

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Information about known ownership and/or transactions prior to Houghton's acquisition. If none, state that no information about prior ownership is known.

These papers were previously owned first by the author's editor at Faber & Faber, James Witt, who gave them in 1983 to the author's niece, Deirdre Smith, from whom the Houghton Library purchased them.

Ownership of the collection prior to this acquisition is unknown.

Acquisition Type

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This is a drop down menu. Select the most appropriate.

Deposit; Gift; Purchase; Transfer

Resource Type

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This is a drop down menu. Select the most appropriate.

A collection is an assembled group of materials, even if very small, usually focused on a topic or person, created or collected by an individual or corporate body (collected by Houghton in the case of a catchall). Papers are the materials generated by an individual. Records are the materials generated by a corporate body.

Collection; Papers; Records

For material that gets added to a catchall or other collection.


For single items that only get a MARC record and aren't otherwise represented in a finding aid.

Single item

Restrictions Apply?

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This is a check box. Check if either an access or use restriction applies to the collection.

Access Restrictions?

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This is a check box. Check if an access restriction applies to the collection.

Access Restrictions Note

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Describe the restriction, using language prescribed in TS Department Restrictions document or language shown below in the case of material shelved at HD.

Restricted: donor permission required; Series II is restricted until 2045; consult curatorial staff.

This collection is shelved offsite. Retrieval requires advance notice. Readers should check with Houghton Public Services staff to determine what material is offsite and retrieval policies and times.

Use Restrictions?

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This is a check box. Check if a use restriction applies to the collection.

Use Restrictions Note 

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Describe the restriction if there is a use restriction associated with the collection.


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Label – used to indicate the type of date you are recording, generally this will be Creation.

Expression – used for the natural language expression of the date

circa 1990-1999

2014 March


Type – used to indicate whether the date is inclusive, bulk, or single. If creating both an inclusive and a bulk date, create two date sub-records.

Date Begin – used to document the normalized begin date of materials

Date End – used to document the normalized end date of materials


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Whole / Portion – used to indicate if the extent you are recording applies to the whole accession or only a part of it; it will usually be Whole. Use an additional extent note to describe the extent of audio, visual, or born-digital material included in the collection, using Part.

Number – used to indicate the numeric extent of the accession.

.1, 10, 100, etc...

Type – used to describe the unit of measurement. Always use linear feet OR gigabytes for born-digital content.

Container Summary – used optionally to describe the containers.

(5 boxes, 2 folders)

(1 folder)

Physical Details – used optionally to describe other physical details of the materials being described.

Contains black and white photographs.

Contains 15 floppy disks and one CD.

To add an extent for born-digital content:

Use "Portion"

Number: calculate number of Gigabytes

Type: use Gigabytes

Container summary: (15 floppy disks, 1 external hard drive)


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Not necessary for single items or accruals.

Role – this is a drop-down menu used to describe the role of the agent in the accession.

     If creator, select Creator

     If donor or dealer, select Source

Agent links – this is where you create the actual Agent Record. You can either browse to see if your agent already has a record or create a new record.

For information about creating a new agent record, see the Harvard-wide ArchivesSpace Best Practice Guidelines.

Related Resources

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Resource – if the accession is an accrual, search in the text box or browse to the appropriate resource and link to the accession record. If spawning a new resource record from the accession record, the links will be made automatically.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Single/Collection Level Description in ArchivesSpace
Step-by-Step Guide to Single/Collection Level Description in ArchivesSpace
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