Guidelines for working with Extra-illustrated volumes
Guidelines for working with Extra-illustrated volumes
[Updated: 06/11/2014]
For HOLLIS record:
- Use book record only. No manuscript MARC record is needed.
In holdings record place an >856 link as:
856 42 $$3Electronic finding aid to material inserted in Houghton copy available $$uhttp://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL.Hough:hou00xxx
- Remove text in >852 __ $$z to >562
- Add 006 to bib record, coded t for Manuscript language material.
- Add >655 _7 Extra-illustrated books. $$2aat
- If compiler of volume is known, add >700 with $$e compiler on the bib record and insert a note to that effect in the finding aid.
For Finding Aid:
- Title should be: [book author] [title], extra-illustrated (book call no.):
Guide. e.g.: Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881. Yesterdays with authors, extra-illustrated (AC85.F4606.872yi): Guide. - In Quantity area, write as:
e.g.: 42 items inserted in 2 volumes [no linear ft.] - In Abstract area, put the book's publication information as:
.g.: Manuscripts inserted into James Thomas Fields, Yesterdays with authors (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and company, The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1882), including letters, notes, and compositions. In Acquisition Information, spell out as:
e.g.: Volumes accessioned as 43-498, manuscripts contained within accessioned as 43M-241
Gift of......
In scope and content section:
e.g.: Contains 42 manuscript items, spanning 1846-1879 [put inclusive dates here, not in Summary information area above] pertaining to........etc....
- Add note in <relatedmaterial> if needed: This volume also has portraits and prints inserted that are not listed in this finding aid.