EAD Finding Aids

EAD Finding Aids

Creating a finding aid

  1. Create the XML file

    1. Open oXygen (for more details on using oXygen, see “oXygen Tips” below)
    2. Open the XML template (N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Processing\Processing_Templates\XML Finding Aid Template)
    3. Save file as a draft in the collection description folder on the N-Drive.
    4. The Center’s EAD finding aid template contains specific instructions related to content and tagging.
  2. Create the series hierarchy in EA

    1. Create complete series hierarchy for the collection in oXygen, including the following required descriptive elements for each series and subseries:   <unittitle>  <unitdate>  <extent>  <scopecontent>  <arrangement>
    2. Retain other elements as applicable.

  3. Export folder list from Excel to Oxygen

    1. The Center uses an excel template to generate EAD code for your folder list components, found in: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Processing\ProcessingTemplates_Current\EAD Export Template
    2. The EAD export template will do the following automatically:
      • Normalize date years
      • Add all necessary spacing and punctuation
      • Calculate end of restriction period and generate <accessrestrict> note based on the restriction term you enter ("50" or "80")
      • Add certain tags ONLY when information is present in those fields (<scopenote>, <accessrestrict>, etc) and <unitdate>), alleviating the need for post-export cleanup to remove empty tags
      • Optional: add the text ", undated" to the end of titles where date information is absent (see the "AutoUndated" template version in the filepath above).
    3. Before beginning, save a copy of the export spreadsheet template in the collection description folder on the N-Drive. This will ensure that the original is unchanged.
    4. The yellow cells contain basic/required EAD code, and the greyed-out cells contain formulas that supply code automatically where needed; DO NOT EDIT THESE CELLS
    5. Copy and paste the box numbers, folder numbers, titles, and date information to the export template, along with any date qualifiers, scope and content notes, restriction  information, E-media/WPC numbers, etc.. Also choose “file or item” and “Box or Oversized-box” for each component.
    6.   Once all information has been transferred from the folder list to the export template, the cells can then be combined for export. To do this, drag the bottom right corner of cell A1 (which contains the formula) down through the last row that contains a folder. Those cells should now be highlighted in blue. The contents of the cells should now be the component tagging.
    7. Copy cells from column A and paste into the appropriate series, subseries, sub-subseries, etc., in oXygen.

  4. Add remaining descriptive elements
    1. The Center generates descriptive information for a collection throughout processing. Biographical notes, administrative history notes, and collection- and series-level scope and content notes (see Style Guide and see Descriptive Notes) should be drafted in Microsoft Word. The final draft of this content should be mapped to the finding aid template.
    2. All other content required by the template can be generated within the template itself.



oXygen tips

Line wrap: Document  > Edit > Toggle Line Wrap (or Ctrl+Shift+Y)

Automatic indent button: "Format and Indent" button in the top toolbar  

Useful windows: Window > Show View >

o   Outline: Displays the tree structure of the document
o   Attributes: Displays attributes of the current element
o   Elements: Display elements that can be inserted at the current position within the document, as defined by the schema.

Validate: Document > Validate > Validate (or Ctrl+Shift+V)

Getting each component on a single, separate line (this is useful for quickly reviewing long folder lists):

  • Open the find and replace window in oXygen, and check the "Regular Expression" box.
  • Find: “\n”  Replace: “[type one blank space]”  all code should be on a single line. If not, hit "Ctrl + Shift + Y" to turn off Line Wrap
  • Find: “\t”  Replace: “[type one blank space]”
  • Find: “[two blank spaces]”  Replace: “[one blank space]>”  repeat this step until no more instances are found
  • Find: “> <”  Replace: “><”
  • Find: "<c "  Replace: "\n<c "   (the single space after the "c" is important in both the find and the replace expression here)


  • To associate the stylesheet, open the finding aid you want to preview, and click the icon in the top-middle of oXygen that looks like a green push-pin.  Select the CSS tab at the top of the pop-up window, and browse to the stylesheet that lives here: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Processing\FindingAid_ToolsAndSchemas\EAD_Schemas_Stylesheets\oXygen
  • Toggle to the “Author” view using the tab in the bottom-left of Oxygen to see a styled, more human-friendly rendering of the finding aid. This stylesheet doesn’t match Harvard’s stylesheet for end-users, but provides a preview that’s a bit quicker to use than the web-based HOLLIS previewer.  
  • Color-coding functions given by this stylesheet:
    • Blue text is text generated by the stylesheet
    • Purple text is text generated from Attribute Values
    • Black text is from the contents of EAD elements

Finding aid editing checklist

Ensure that:

  • The med# is in <eadid> and the 9-digit Hollis/Alma number is in <processinfo>
  • The creator’s name in <origination> is also wrapped in entity type tags (<persname>, <corpname>, or <famname>)
  • The encoder’s name is in <author> and date of encoding is in <creation><date>.
  • Access Points are listed in alphabetical order
  • Check that all placeholder values in the <unitdate normal=”0000/0000”> attribute are replaced with start and end years.
  • “Undated” appears <unittitle> rather than <unitdate>

If applicable, check to ensure:

  • Funding information is entered in a <sponsor> note
  • All donors/transferring offices are listed in <acqinfo>
  • For collections with born-digital content,check that appropriate information is included in <processinfo>, <accessrestrict>, and <extent>. Make sure processing actions for electronic records are included; include digital extent
  • For collections with audiovisual content, check that appropriate information is included in <accessrestrict> and be sure to indicate whether or not AV materials were surveyed
  • Note objects transferred to the Warren Anatomical Museum in <separatedmaterial>


  • Use (born 1944) not (1944-)
  • Include life dates for names of colleagues, family, etc. to disambiguate names, so: Walter Gilbert (born 1932)
  • Geographic locations: include the state with the city the first time you mention a city, for example: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Run a spellcheck
  • Capitalize names of appointments
  • Put dates in day month year order
  • Remove occurrences of Dr.
  • Write out acronyms as known
  • Is there any description that should be reconsidered to better adhere to the Guidelines for Inclusive and Conscientious Description?

Post-publication revisions and updates


  • Manually add authority headings (names, subjects, genre/form, etc.) in ArchivesSpace. Authorities encoded in EAD generate new authorities in ArchivesSpace. By adding authorities directly in ArchivesSpace, we can ensure that we are using existing authorities, rather than adding to the duplicate problem. If a search of ArchivesSpace authorities does not locate what you're looking for, then you can create a new heading in ArchivesSpace. 
  • Any boxes that are staying onsite should get a permanent location assigned in ArchivesSpace. Using the instructions found on the page for Small Archival Accessions, update the container instance with the appropriate Countway Row/Bay/Shelf location. 


  • Typos or minor errors can be corrected in directly in ArchivesSpace by processors. Inform Collections Services Archivist of any changes.
  • To make more extensive revisions or updates to a published finding aid, please download the XML from ArchivesSpace (NEVER work from the copy saved on the N Drive). To do this, pull the finding aid up in ArchivesSpace, and in the toolbar (to the right of the blue "Edit" button), select Export > Download EAD. When the updated XML document is complete, send it to the Collections Service Archivist to be re-uploaded. Specific guidance on incorporating accruals is provided below. 


  • If updating a finding aid, do not attempt to revise the entire guide to conform to current practices. Incorporate new information into the version as-is.
  • When adding accruals to an existing finding aid, always download a copy of the finding aid from ArchivesSpace (see instructions above) to edit. Never work from the copy on the N drive.
  • Integration: accruals can be added to existing series or can be new series. Processor should use own judgement after reviewing content as to which choice to make, and then present proposals for integration to Collections Services Archivist for approval.
  • Update collection-level elements:
    • <eadheader><titleproper>: update dates as needed
    • <eadheader><creation><date>: update to reflect date of major revision/addition
    • <revisiondesc>: add a note indicating when the finding aid was updated, by whom, and why
    • <unitid>: for archival records, add series as needed
    • <unitdate>: update as needed
    • <physdesc><extent>: update cubic feet, containers, electronic records details as needed
    • <acqinfo>: add new accession information
    • <processinfo>: add new processors (if needed) and dates
    • <prefercite>: update title dates as needed
    • <arrangement>: include new series, subseries, etc., as needed
    • <scopecontent>: integrate description of accrual into existing note
    • <controlaccess>: add additional terms to describe accrual, if needed

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