Houghton Implementation of the 920 Field

Houghton Implementation of the 920 Field

The 920 is repeatable.  A 920 $a should never be changed, and new 920 field should be created with the new $a recorded. It is fine to have as many 920 fields as needed, provided the combined character count for all 920 fields in a record is less than the Alma Analytics and HART character limit.

We no longer use the 909 field to record statistics. 

To automate the process in Alma, a PowerShell script has been created with instructions for installing and using: 920 PowerShell File and Instructions.


Required Data in Holdings

920 (repeatable) - The status and the date of this field should not be changed; further revisions to the Alma bibliographic record should be reflected by adding another 920. Use the appropriate codes as follows (all subfields are mandatory, except for subfield p):

$a - type of cataloging (see guidelines below)

  • c - copy cataloged
  • e - enhanced
  • o - original
  • a - accessioned
  • r - reparative description

$d - cataloged date [yyyymmdd]

$e - HO [code for Houghton Library]

$f - cataloger’s NetID

$p - project name (this subfield is relevant only to the Rare Book Section; default is blank so not selecting any option will delete this subfield upon saving the holding record in Alma)

  • new acq.
  • aargh
  • shelf-read
    • N.B. This selection is only relevant to not-in-Hollis cataloging project from the shelf-reading activity.
  • project [x]
    • N.B. Name of each project will be determined by the Head of Rare Book Section

$x - curatorial department code

  • earbm - Early Books and Manuscripts
  • fal - Fine Arts Library
  • hew - Harry Elkins Widener Collection
  • hfa - Harvard Film Archive
  • htc - Harvard Theatre Collection
  • hyde - Early Modern and Hyde
  • modbm - Modern Books and Manuscripts
  • mus - Music Library 
  • pga - Printing and Graphic Arts 
  • trc - Theodore Roosevelt Collection
  • wpr - Woodberry Poetry Room


1.  Accessioned item ready for cataloging:

Accessioned item awaiting cataloging will only have one 920:

908 ## $a p #b 20181201 (old format; no longer assigned)

920 11 $a a $d 20181201 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde

When fully cataloged, the record should have both accessioned and cataloged codes in 920:

908 ## $a c $b 20181205 (old format; no longer assigned)

920 11 $a a $d 20181201 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde

920 11 $a o $d 20181205 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde $p new acq.

N.B. If there are multiple holdings (=multiple copies) attached to the same original bib record created, only one (first) holding will receive the "o" designation, and the rest of the holdings attached to the same bib record will receive a "c" designation since you are not creating separate original records for each holding. In other words, you created one original record for one holding, and additional copies/holdings attached to the same bib record are in essence copy cataloged.


920 11 $a a $d 20181201 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde

920 11 $a c $d 20181205 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde $p new acq.

When fully cataloged and OCLC record has been significantly enhanced, then the record should have accessioned, cataloged, and enhanced codes in 920:

920 11 $a a $d 20181201 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde

920 11 $a c $d 20181201 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde $p new acq.

920 11 $a e $d 20181205 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde $p new acq.

caveat: Add "c" with "e" at the point of cataloging only if it's an accessioned item that has not been fully cataloged at Houghton (meaning, one cannot enhance a record of an item that has not been cataloged yet). If enhancing a record that has been cataloged already ("c" in 920, or 908 in legacy records), then only add "e" without "c" (see example below).

2. Enhancing records to already cataloged ("o" or "c" in 920 or "c" in 908) item:

Already in the holdings record,

920 11 $a c $d 20181205 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde (or 908 in older records 908 ## $a c $b 20170201)

and you're making significant changes to the OCLC record, and Alma record has been merged with the enhanced OCLC record then only one 920 with "e" should be added since there's already a "c" (or "o") in existing 920 or 908 in the record:

920 11 $a e $d 20181219 $e HO $f abc789 $x hyde $p aargh

Guidelines for Using Cataloging Codes

Printed Material/Books

c=copy cataloged:

  • Export existing OCLC record into Alma; add or update item and holdings records with minimal information added (e.g., acquisition or gift information, accession number); OR
  • Add new holdings record to existing Alma bibliographic record.  This process should only involve adding information such as:
    • simple provenance (e.g., From the library of Gore Vidal)
    • simple binding (e.g., Bound in original wrappers)
    • assignment of local call number
  • Minor edits to existing record do not need to be recorded (e.g., fixing typo, re-classification, location change).


  • Any significant changes to OCLC record enhancing access points and/or identification of manifestation (e.g., substantial revisions or additions related to references/citations, subject analysis, names, etc.).  This process should also include updating the Alma bibliographic record by using the “copy & merge” function within Alma after enhancing the OCLC record; OR
  • Any significant changes to local holdings record enhancing access or identification (e.g., substantial revisions or additions related to provenance, custodial history, copy/version identification, and/or bound-with information).


  • Creation of new OCLC record, resulting in new bibliographic, item, and/or holdings records in Alma.
    • N.B. If temporary stub records were created by the acquisitions staff, the bibliographic record in Alma will need to be merged with the newly created OCLC record (by using the “copy & merge” function within Alma after creating the OCLC record).  The item and holdings records can be locally updated in Alma.
    • N.B. If adding multiple copies to newly created original bib record, then only one holding record will receive the "o" code and the rest of the copies attached as additional holdings should receive "c" since additional copies being added are considered copy cataloged.


  • Creation of temporary records in Alma by the acquisitions staff for physical items received to be fully cataloged or processed.

Manuscripts and Archives


  • For archival collections, when an accrual is received and incorporated
  • For archival collections, when a collection that has a finding aid is processed further


  • When an archival collection gets a finding aid (done by accessioning or processing)
  • When a single item manuscript is fully catalogued


  • Creation of an accession record for an archival collection (done by accessioning)
  • Creation of an accession record for a single item manuscript (done by accessioning)


  • Reparative editing of legacy description in a finding aid (one per period of time editing, not per edit)
  • Reparative editing of legacy description in a catalog record (one per period of time editing, not per edit)

NET Holdings for Digital Objects (Obsolete–reference only)

As of March 2024, 920 fields are no longer added to NET holdings for digital objects. This describes past practice.

c=copy cataloged

  • For the creation of NET holdings through the export of bibliographic content from preexisting records


  • For digital objects whose description has been added to in a manner that separates the content from the pre-existing record for the physical copy; for example adding a 830 field “Colonial North American Project at Harvard University”


  • Creation of new NET holdings for original born-digital materials created in Alma.

Manuscripts and Archives Scenarios


Scenario A: Accessioning as processing

Accessioning adds to stub bib record for a newly acquired collection, 920 is created 'a'

Accessioning then goes on to minimally process collection, creates finding aid, another 920 is created 'o'

Scenario B: Processing unprocessed collections

Processing archivist processes an unprocessed collection, creates finding aid for first time, 920 is created 'o'

Scenario C: Further processing a processed collection

Processing archivist adds more description to an existing finding aid, say curator requested deeper processing, 920 is created 'e'

Scenario D: Adding an accrual to a processed collection

Accessioning archivist adds to or updates an existing bib record with information about an accrual, 920 is created 'a'

When accessioning archivist incorporates accrual into finding aid, 920 is created 'e'

Scenario E: Single item manuscripts

Accessioning adds to stub bib record for a newly accessioned single item, 920 is created 'a'

When either accessioning or cataloging more fully describes item, additional 920 is created 'o'

NET Holdings Scenarios (Obsolete–reference only)

As of March 2024, 920 fields are no longer added to NET holdings for digital objects. This describes past practice.

Scenario A: NET Holdings for digital objects

Digital collections creates a NET holding for a digital surrogate, 920 is created 'c'

Scenario B: NET Holdings for born-digital materials

Cataloging creates a NET holding for a born-digital item, 920 is created 'c'

Alma Analytics and HART Reporting

920 Field Character Limit

Alma Analytics: 3900 characters
HART: 4000 characters

Oracle (the system that Alma Analytics and HART use) does not allow more than 4000 characters in a text field,. Both Alma Analytics and HART combine multiple 920 fields into a single field including the subfield markers. The character limit applies to the combined character count for all 920 fields in a holdings record. Data that exceeds these limits is truncated and cannot be reported on. It is possible to access this data through the MARC Holdings table in HART, provided that the individual MARC 920 field is not longer than 4000 characters.

920 Reporting Field Examples

Alma Analytics

"Holding Details"."Holding Local Param 03"
$$a a $$d 20200210 $$e HO $$f abc123 $$x modbm; $$a c $$d 20230511 $$e HO $$f def456 $$x modbm; $$a e $$d 20230511 $$e HO $$f def456 $$x modbm


"Alma Holdings"."Cataloging Statistics"
$$aa$$d20200210$$eHO$$fabc123$$xmodbm | $$ac$$d20230511$$eHO$$fdef456$$xmodbm | $$ae$$d20230511$$eHO$$fdef456$$xmodbm
"MARC Fields"."MARC Holdings Field Text" (Individual 920 Fields)

Harvard Library 920 Field Documentation

Usage of Alma holdings 920 cataloging statistics field in ITS

Parsing out holdings 920 subfields in Alma Analytics (ITS)

  • Note: The SQL formulas will only work for the first 920 field in a combined 920 field string. ITS and other units do not use the 920 as a repeating field.

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