0xx: LDR and variable control fields

0xx: LDR and variable control fields

LDR  Leader. Required

[updated 08/20/2018] 

For fuller specifications of this field see MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data (also in Cataloger's Desktop). In Alma, the data are entered from a form. (Click on LDR and type Ctrl-F.) The usual values for the character positions, or bytes, are as follows.

PLEASE NOTE: position 06 should always be coded p is for mixed materials. Position 07 should always be coded c for collection.


(0-4)Logical record length#####(system-supplied) 
(05)Record statusn(new) 
(06)Type of recordp(mixed materials)

Code p indicates that the content of the record is for mixed material. This is used for all archival and manuscript collections.

 (07)Bibliographic levelc(collection)Code c indicates a made-up multipart group of items that were not originally published, distributed, or produced together. The record describes units defined by common provenance or administrative convenience for which the record is intended as the most comprehensive in the system.

Code d indicates a part of collection, especially an archival unit described collectively elsewhere in the system. A subunit may be items, folders, boxes, archival series, subgroups, or subcollections. The record for a subunit contains fields that describe the sub-unit and data that identify the host item.


(08)Type of controla(archival control)Code a indicates that the material is described according to archival descriptive rules, which focus on the contextual relationships between items and on their provenance rather than on bibliographic detail. The specific set of rules for description may be found in field 040, subfield $$e.
(09)Character coding schemea(USC-Unicode) 
(10)Indicator count2(system supplied) 
(11)Subfield code count2(system supplied) 
(12-16)Base address of data#####(system supplied) 
(17)Encoding level#(full level)Code # indicates the most complete MARC record. The information used in creating the record is derived from an inspection of the physical item.
(18)Descriptive cataloging formi(ISBD) 
(19)Multipart resource record level#  
(20)Length of length of field portion4  
(21)Length of the starting character position position5  
(22)Length of implementation defined portion0  
(23)Undefined Entry map character position0  

NOTE: DACS is based on ISAD(G) which is related to ISBD; we do use ISBD punctuation in MARC records

001   Control number. System-supplied. Required


005   Date and time of latest transaction. System-supplied. Required

(The date is the first 8 characters in the pattern yyyymmdd. The time is the second 8 characters in the pattern hhmmss.f, expressed in terms of the 24-hour clock.) 


006   Additional material characteristics. Optional as needed

Use this optional field when a collection has substantial characteristics of a form of material that is additional to the main one entered in LDR/06. It is like an extra >008 field (>008 being non-repeatable) and allows for additional searching by format.

For example, the archivist might use it to capture the fact that an otherwise textual manuscript collection contains a significant amount of drawings. It is recommended that an 006 be added when you have a series of materials not represented in the 008, or if you find the bulk substantial enough to mention the type in the >300 field.

There are 18 character positions (00-17):

(00)            Enter the code (as in LDR/06) for the additional form of material wanted. (This is done by selecting from a menu.) 


(01-17)      Correspond to LDR/18-34 for that form of material. 


008   Fixed-length data elements. Required

For fuller specifications of this field see the MARC 21 documentation in Cataloger’s Desktop. The following are the codes to enter in the Mixed Materials format. 

(00-05)Date entered on file####System-supplied.
(06)Type of datebB.C. date involved
  iInclusive dates of a collection; If the inclusive dates are represented by a single year, that date is given in both places.

Range of years of bulk of collection. While allowable, this code should be used only rarely in fixed fields. Use, for example when bulk dates are 1934-1935 with one extra date of 1971.  Inclusive dates would be 1934-1971 but it would be better to code for searching the bulk dates.

  nDates unknown
  qQuestionable date.  This code is really for single items, not for collections. See single-item manual for additional information.
  sSingle date. This code is really for single items, not for collections. See single-item manual for additional information.  See also  “i” above
(07-10)Date 1 NOTE: The value in (06) and the date(s) in (07-10) and (11-14) are determined by the date in the $$f subfield of the >245 field.  Date 1 is “uuuu” if you have entered  “n” in (06).  Date 2 is entered only if you have entered “i” or “k” in (06); otherwise it is “uuuu”  (use ‘u’ for uncertain digits in dates).

Examples are:

  >245 $$f   (06)(07-10)(11-14) 
undatednuuuuuuuudates unknown
1892-1978i18921978for inclusive dates
1892        i18921892for a collection all dated 1892.
1892-1900, 1978k18921900 for bulk dates in a collection
1892 or 1893m18921893two possible dates
circa 19th-centuryi18001899 
(11-14)Date 2 


Place of  publication, production, or executionmauA two- or three-character alphabetic code indicates the place of publication, production, or execution. The place code is an authoritative-agency data element. The source of the code is MARC Code List for Countries that is maintained by the Library of Congress. For archival materials, the code represents the repository where the material is assembled; in our case, Massachusetts, United States.
(18-22)Undefined#####System supplied
(23)Form of item#Unless the item is a microform.
(24-34)Undefined###########System supplied
(35-37) Language 

3-letter code for main language of the collection. For example ‘eng’ for English. List the main language here, then list additional languages in >041 field.

und= if the language associated with the collection cannot be determined

zxx = no linguistic content; also add a >546 “No linguistic content.”

mul = use when there is no primary language and many languages are included; 

then also list languages individually in  >041 field

For a list of codes, see: MARC Code List for Language

(38) Modified record#Not modified NOTE: We do not alter this field when we have updated the record.
(39)Cataloging sourcedOther. Code d indicates that the source of the cataloging data is an organization that is other than a national bibliographic agency or a participant in a cooperative cataloging program.


01x-04x   Number and code fields.


035   System control number. Optional   

[updated 06/12/2014] 

 A control number of a system other than the one whose control number is contained in the field 001 above. 


040   Cataloging source. (DACS 2.1.4) Required

[updated 02/8/2021]    

This field is used to show source of record [using the OCLC Harvard Library symbol] and what standard was used.  

Houghton’s OCLC symbol is: HUL (this is used for all materials).


1st      <blank> undefined 

2nd     <blank> undefined


$$a   Original cataloging agency using OCLC symbol = HUL

$$b   Language = eng

$$c   Transcribing agency = HUL

$$e   Description convention = dacs



040  __  $$a HUL  $$b eng $$c HUL  $$e dacs

                 for main Houghton


040  __  $$a HUL  $$b eng $$c HUL  $$e dacs

                 for Harvard Theatre Collection


041   Language code. Required if more than one language

This field is used to supplement the 008 field (35-37) (see above), when there are a number of languages, or to give information about translations.


1st       0          collection  does not include translations.

                   1          collection includes translations.

2nd      <blank>


$$a   Codes describing languages of the texts or translations. This is repeatable.



041 1_ $$a eng  $$a fre 

See USMARC21 for additional information.


05x-08x   Classification and call-number fields.

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