Record Updating

Record Updating

When books are properly cased, then the next step is to update their holdings records in Alma. Sign into Alma and follow the procedures below.

Call Numbers and Locations

Call number updating

  • Enter the call number of a book into the Alma search box at the top of the page. Physical titles AND Permanent call number are the designators for the search.
  • Enter the call number (capitalization does not count) according to this example: AC85 G456 Zz845a. Do not place periods between the segments because Alma often does not have them in the 852 field. Do not include any asterisks and keep places between the elements.
  • There may be rare occasions when you must place periods between the segments because the 852 has them.
  • Select the appropriate record by checking the title and publication information on the book and in Alma. Select the appropriate holdings record and update the call number following the examples below. Delete any delimiters within the call number (e.g. $$i) except for volume designations, any asterisks (*), and add periods between segments except for volume designations, if present. This does not apply to Library of Congress call numbers but call number schemes devised by Houghton Library.
    • AC85.G456.Zz845a
    • FC8.T57.1845
    • EC7.P297.R777 $$m v.1

Location updating

  • The location in the 852 field must be changed to $$c HD from $$c GEN for books not in phase boxes. Phase box books keep $$c GEN. Save the holdings record.

Bound-with Books

Bound-withs are volumes that include more than one title not original to the volume. In the past, many book owners would collect pamphlets and then bind them into one volume for convenience. Each title is actually a different bibliographic record, but their records must be connected and share a common call number. Updating them takes care and patience. In addition to correcting the call numbers, other information about the titles must be included in the holdings records. Information includes transfer, gift, or purchase information, MARC 337 and 338 fields, notes, and linking information. Specific instructions on composing some notes fields can be found on the Houghton Library Cataloging wiki.

Call numbers must be the same for all the records in a volume. Call numbers must be corrected in the holdings record as instructed above.

Each title is numbered sequentially as bound in the book. The first title is the only title whose item record is barcoded. The item records in all the other titles are not barcoded and are deleted from Alma.

Three examples for updating holdings records are below. Records may differ. Not every field will be included in every holdings record. The most important fields are the 337, 338, 562, and 563. The field 977 is included in every record except the primary title.

Consult the Technical Services Librarian with questions.

Bound-with Examples

Transfer record:

337 __ $$a unmediated $$b n $$2 rdamedia

338 __ $$a volume $$b nc $$2 rdacarrier

541 0_ $$c Transfer; $$a Widener Library; $$d 1965 July; $$e 64-2280. $$5 hou

561 1_ $$a Transfer in July 1965, from Widener Library. $$5 hou

562 __ Ms. table of contents for volume on front flyleaf. $$5 hou

562 __ $$a Number 1 of nine titles in a volume of antiquarian tracts and manuscripts (mostly of numismatic interest) collected and bound together by Richard Gough. $$5 hou

563 __ $$a Detached covers; in prefab case. $$5 hou

977 0_ $$a Pegge, Samuel. $$t Memoirs of the life of Roger de Weseham. $$f 990063939460203941

Purchase record:

337 __ unmediated $$b n $$2 rdamedia

338 __ volume $$b nc $$2 rdacarrier

541 0_ $$c Purchase; $$d 1843 August 31; $$h Fund of 1842. $$5 hou

561 1_ Purchased on August 31, 1943, with the Fund of 1842. $$5 hou

562 __ Volume contains ten tracts, each with separate title pages and with an added title page. $$5 hou

562 __ Number 6 of ten titles bound together. $$5 hou

563 __ Detached boards; in phase box. $$5 hou

977 0_ $$t A Second collection of tracts. $$f 990042035940203941

Gift record:

337 __ $$a unmediated $$b n $$2 rdamedia

338 __ $$a volume $$b nc $$2 rdacarrier

541 0_ $$c Gift; $$a George L. Lincoln; $$b 2000 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston 35, Massachusetts; $$d 1964 November; $$e 64-713. $$5 hou

561 1_ $$a Gift of George L. Lincoln, November 1964. $$5 hou

562 __ Author’s presentation inscription to “Miss Marriott” and holograph poem on front flyleaves. $$5 hou

562 __ $$a Number 1 of two titles bound together. $$5 hou

563 __ $$a In CMI case. $$5 hou

977 0_ $$a Marriott, Thomas. $$t Female conduct: being an essay on the art of pleasing. $$f 990061371380203941

NOTE: For gifts and purchases in which Houghton accession numbers are known for the titles, research the gift and purchase information in the Houghton Accession Books to construct the holdings records. The books from 1941 to 1983 can be found online at the Harvard College Library wiki at http://listview.lib.harvard.edu/lists/drs-432564916. Books from 1984 through the 1990s can be found in Lamont basement.

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