CMI Case/Phase Box Preparation Process

CMI Case/Phase Box Preparation Process

This document outlines steps to be taken when staff wish for an item to be placed in a CMI Case or a Phase Box.

CMI Cases
CMI cases should be used to house materials which are fragile, lacking boards, or which in any way require the security of a case. Curators, catalogers, public services, or end-processing staff may initiate a request for CMI casing.

Phase Boxes
Phase boxes are used for all materials bound in vellum or parchment (from any period), items with a parchment text block, as well as other materials so designated by Preservation/Conservation staff.

When preparing an item for casing/boxing, the following steps are indicated:

  1. In Aleph, change the item process status (item record, tab 2) to CT (Cataloging).
  2. Create an Aeon request for the item:
    1. In the staff note, please indicate the location:
      To TS end-processing for CMI Case or Phase box, 01/05/2016
      This will alert the PS staff and others as to the item's current location; the system records your login, so no need to repeat your name;
    2. In the paging note, please indicate the action to be taken:
      CMI case or Phase Box (as appropriate);
    3. As for the routing, please route to
      In Technical Services-End Processing
      This, again, helps PS staff find things more easily; it also more accurately reflects current custody.
  3. Create a routing slip with appropriate fields filled out, including the kind of casing desired.

All materials being cased (CMI and Phase Box) should be placed in an envelope with treatment needed, call number, date, and originator's initials indicated and left on the designated shelf on the Mezzanine, along with the routing slip and Aeon slip.
When the material has been cased, end-processing staff will complete processing on the item, and make appropriate changes to the Aleph (item process status to [blank]), and Aeon (Request finished) records.

Aeon record example