852 Location

852 Location

indicators:       1st       8       Other scheme [always use this] 

                      2nd      #       No information provided

subfields:        $$b - Sublocation or collection (R)

                      $$c - Shelving location (R)

                      $$h - Classification part (NR)

                      $$x - Nonpublic note (R)

                      $$z - Public note (R)

punctuation:    Fields end with no punctuation.


$$b Sublocation or collection

This field must be in CAPS. Enter HOU for Houghton; or THE for the Theatre Collection. Note: For Poetry Room materials housed in Houghton, enter “HOU” here, even if the $$5 in earlier fields contains “poe”.


$$c Shelving location

This field must be in CAPS. They include:

For HOU: 

GEN     (for a call number with no prefix)

F          f (i.e., folio)

B          b ( i.e., in the boxed-manuscript section of the Houghton stacks)

HD       Harvard Depository

PF        pf ( i.e., portfolio)

BLUE (for poetry room materials)


For THE:

GEN    (for a call number with no prefix)

B         b (i.e., boxed)

F         (i.e., folio)


For a full list of locations see the HOUPOETHE Alma Collections Codes document.


$$h Call number


$$h MS Eng 607

An accession number may go here if a call number is absent, but this will be exceptional.


$$k Call number prefix

This field is used to add a prefix to a call number, generally to indicate shelving location. Use to indicate items to be shelved in the Keats room that are not classified as MS Keats.


$$k Keats


$$m Call-number suffix

Use this for a special shelving location.


$$m Shelved in lobby X.1.1.  


$$x Non-public note

This field is no longer used by Houghton. Any note concerning prior acquisition or former call number should be placed in a 541 or 561.


$$z Public note

Use this for shelving arrangements that need to be seen by reading-room staff.


            $$z  Shelved in a box with MS Typ 700.

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