VI. Box lists

VI. Box lists

A collection of more than one box will usually require a box list to be useable before it is fully cataloged. A collection may be accompanied by a dealer's or donor's list. Such a list should be at minimum preserved in a curatorial file and mentioned in a 500 note as a source of detail; if the list is accurate and complete, it may serve as a preliminary finding aid.

If no such list exists, one will need to be prepared. The process of preparing a box list is identical to "pre-processing": arranging, sorting, and describing are performed at the highest level only. If it is necessary to arrange the material, aim for a sensible boxing of like materials in series, avoiding breaks of series across multiple boxes where possible while conserving space.

The list may be prepared using Excel (which may be converted into EAD) or directly in EAD. A paper copy should be kept in the curatorial file; the preliminary EAD finding aid will be submitted to OASIS.