
Records may be discovered in collections that are more appropriately maintained at another Harvard repository (such as the Harvard University Archives), another institution, or returned to the donor. These decisions will be made by the archivist processing the collection in consultation with the Collections Services Archivist or the Longwood Medical Area Records Manager/Archivist and the Deputy Director in concert with other appropriate staff. Deaccessioning paperwork must be approved and signed by the Director.

The following actions should be taken:

  1. Complete a Deaccession Record form, located here: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Deaccessioning 
  2. Add the deaccession to the “deaccession” tab of the Accessions_CollectionNumbers spreadsheet, located here: N:\Collections\07_Collections_Databases_and_Lists
  3. Complete a return receipt to document the physical transfer back to the Donor, located here: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\03_Physical_Transfer
  4. Coordinate for transfer of records with appropriate donor or institution. Occasionally, this will involve approval paperwork from the outside entity. 
  5. Physical deaccession form and accompanying records should be paper-clipped to the original accession paperwork and filed in the paper control file. Emails should be saved in the communications folder of the electronic control file. 

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