Small Archival Accessions

Small Archival Accessions

Sometimes you will take in a small amount of archival records that do not justify the use of a box and storage offsite at HD. When this happens, you will need to adhere to the following steps.

Accession Folder List and Refoldering

  • Make note in Excel folder list which Small Archival Accessions box folder is located.
  • Place all folders into one folder. Label outermost folder the following way:

[Left side]                                            [Center]

Series 00600                                       M-ME01

Acc. 2019-001

Where and How to Document Small Archival Accessions


  1. Add accession information to SmallArchivalAccessions_Box_list Excel file (N:\Collections\01_Archives\SmallArchivalAccessions_Box_List.xlsx)
  2. Boxes are located in 2/N/1 and 2/M/6
  3. Accessions are filed by series number, then by accession number.
  4. If you fill a box, start new one and log it in Excel file.


Bib Record

  1. Box should be added to 300 field
    1. Specify box type as usual and calculate cubic feet for folder and add it to overall cubic feet count.
  2. Sometimes you will add more small archival accessions from the same series to the same box. When this happens, do not add box to box count again in 300 field, only add additional cubic feet to overall cubic feet count.

Holdings Record

  1. 852 should be coded as RAREB and $h coded as:
    1. $h ACC. 2019-001 (Series 00600, small archival accessions)
  2. Adding item to holdings record:
    1. Make sure to generate an Alma barcode
    2. Description field should be filled out according to the following:
      1. § Small Accessions/Archival Accessions Box 3


Accession Record

  • Extent: handle as you did with 300 field in Alma
  • Instances
    • If creating Top Container for the first time:
      1. Select "Add Container Instance"
        1. Type: "Mixed Materials"
        2. Click downward pointing arrow to open drop down options and select "Create"
      2. In new Create Top Container window:
        1. Container Type: "Box"
        2. Indicator: "Small Archival Accessions xx"
        3. Under Locations, select "Add Location" and search for stacks location in "Location" search box.
          1. ASpace will search across all locations, even from other repositories, so it's helpful to use a search string like "Countway 2 B 6" (for Row 2 Bay B Shelf 6).
        4. Click "Create and Link to Top Container"
    • If adding Accession to existing Top Container:
      1. Select "Add Container Instance"
        1. Type: "Mixed Materials"
        2. Click downward pointing arrow to open drop down options and select "Browse" (you will not get any results if you try searching directly in the "Top Container" search bar)
      2. In new Browse Top Containers window:
        1. In "Keyword" field enter the existing box (e.g. Small Archival Accessions 01) and click "Search"
        2. In the search results, select the correct box (box title will be in the "Indicator" column) and click "Link to Top Containers"

Resource Record

  • Extent: handle as you did with 300 field in Alma

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