Electronic records
What you should talk to the donor about before you start to image anything
Note: Please use the Donor Interview Form to record your answers to the below questions, which are part of the interview instrument.
What are you imaging? Are you are here to acquire one particular folder, a directory of folders, or the entire computer? Has the donor selected folders and copied them to an entire folder? What did the donor leave out? If what the donor says is out of scope with what you understood to be collecting today, acknowledge the change verbally, and ask why.
Ask the donor to provide you with information about the records you are transferring. Questions might include:
- When were the records created?
- For what purpose were they created?
- What kind of software is required to use the files?
- Did s/he copy the files to the computer off of other media? Are these copies of files that came from earlier computers?
- Were the files created at work and “brought home” for reference purposes?
- Did someone else participate in file creation?
- What does s/he intend to do with the files once you copy them?
- Record the brand/model of the donor’s computer.
- Record the operating system in use on the donor computer.
Suggested Language for Donor Email
You should have just received a link to a shared Dropbox folder, which you can use to transfer your electronic records to the archives. A few reminders:
- If you have questions about what should be archived, consult Harvard’s General Records Schedule or reach out directly to me.
- Thank you in advance for any contextual adjustments you make (adding or renaming folders, completing names, adding dates, typing out acronyms, authoring read-me files, etc.). Any context you can provide now will be tremendously (!) helpful down the road.
- For the versions that remain on your own computer: move either to an “Archived_DATE” folder on your network drive, or to an external drive (also marked “Archived_DATE”). This will signal that the files do not need to be captured again by myself or a predecessor in future.
- Once you are all set, just send me an email. I’ll run our stabilizing software, then move files from Dropbox onto our secure server. Note that the Dropbox folder will be empty after I complete this work.
Acquiring Electronic Records Using Dropbox
Step 1: Open webmail account for CenterHistoryMedicineAcquisitions
Go to: http://mail.med.harvard.edu
- Login: (credentials can be found in N:\Administration_CHoM\Acquisitions Planning and Development\DropBox for Acquisitions)
The webmail account holder is: CenterHistoryMedicineAcquisitions
Step 2: Open DropBox account
Go to: https://www.dropbox.com/login
- Login (credentials can be found in N:\Administration_CHoM\Acquisitions Planning and Development\DropBox for Acquisitions)
The Dropbox account holder is: CenterHistoryMedicineAcquisitions
DropBox VERIFIES the identity of the account holder using the Harvard Medical School federated sign on used for email at mail.hms.harvard.edu. If you start with DropBox, you will be prompted to log in with the webmail credentials, which is why it is easier to sign in to webmail first.
Step 3: Create new shared folder
In Dropbox, select “New Shared Folder”
- Name the folder according to control file naming conventions (Archives_Last_First_M)
- Add Donor’s email with permissions set to “Can edit”
- Add your personal Dropbox handle to facilitate easier access and imaging of files in the future.
Step 4: Donor moves records into shared folder
Files are moved into the DropBox folder either with or without Archivist present
Donor informs archivist when migration is complete
Step 5: Sync Dropbox to your desktop computer
- Make files visible on a local computer following instructions found on the Dropbox website (https://help.dropbox.com/syncing-uploads/syncing-between-computers)
Step 6: Prep Shared Drive Folders
- Create a folder structure for the acquired disk images, imaging and related documentation, and extracted files (use copies):
- In N:\E_Accn, create a folder for your transfer in either the Archives or Manuscripts folder.
If you are accessioning to the archives, use the following folder structure and naming conventions as below:
Note that the fifth level folder should be named using the Accession Number. If you do not have an accession number, use the date of transfer: DOT_20131016 to name the folder. All files and documentation live within the fifth level folder.
In the fifth folder, create three folders:
Disk Images (Masters)
UseCopiesIf you are acquiring a manuscript collection, use the following folder structure and naming conventions as below:
All files and documentation live within the third level folder.
In the third folder, create three folders:
Disk Images (Masters)
- In N:\E_Accn, create a folder for your transfer in either the Archives or Manuscripts folder.
Step 7: Image the folder contents
- In FTK, Go to File-->Create Disk Image.
- Pick the Contents of a folder option and click on Next. NOTE: Please refer to pages 96-97 of the AccessData manual for instructions on how to create a Custom Content Image.
- A message will pop up saying you have opted to create a logical image of a folder (etc.). Click on “Yes”.
- Browse for the folder you want to image, select, and click on OK.
- Click on Finish.
- The “Create Image” will open. Click on Add. NOTE: If given the option, for Image Type, choose .E01.
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next. NOTE: If you are creating an image of a CD or DVD, FTK skips this step.
- The Case Number = the donor’s name (Last, First) OR accession number, for institutional collections (accXXXX-XXX, for example: acc2021-001).
- The Evidence Number = the date of acquisition, in Year-MM-DD format
- The Unique Description = In you are copying multiple folders, put in the transfer number here, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01 OR accXXXX-XXX_01
- The Examiner = the name of the person acquiring the records in Last name, First name format (for example: Gustainis,Emily)
- Click on Next
- Next to “Image Destination Folder,” click on Browse. Select the folder you created on the external hard drive for the transfer.
- For the Image Filename, use the same name as the Unique Description, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01
- Click on Finish to continue.
- Make sure that the “Verify images after they are created” and the “Create directory listings of all files in the image after they are created” checkboxes are checked.
- Click Start. A window will open, indicating progress on the disk imaging and directory creation process.
- When the process is complete, click on Close (for all open windows).
Verify the disk image was created. Go to folder you created on the external hard drive for your transfer and verify the disk image and supporting processes documentation files were created (a .txt document detailing processes and checksums and a spreadsheet for the disk directory). DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE DISK IMAGE
Step 8: Clear contents of shared folder
After successful imaging and extraction of use copies in FTK, remove files from Dropbox via one of two methods:
If future digital file transfers are expected, delete the contents of the folder;
If no future transfers are anticipated, delete the entire folder.
Acquiring Electronic Records in the Field Using FTK
What you will need to bring with you
- The external 1 TB external hard drive. This should be inside the Tableau Bridge bag, but verify before you leave the office.
- A print or electronic copy of the Donor Interview Form to complete on-site.
- If you are copying from USB or Firewire devices in the field, you will also need a laptop with FTK on it and the Tableau Bridge. (See separate instruction sheet, “ACQUIRING RECORDS IN THE FIELD FROM USB AND FIREWIRE DEVICES.”) Laptop will require two USB ports (or one USB and one Firewire slot).
- If you are acquiring email, see separate instruction sheet “ACQUIRING EMAIL IN THE FIELD USING FTK”.
Note: Donor computer must have a USB or FireWire port in order to acquire records in the field.
Step 1: Set Up
- Turn on the donor’s computer.
- Connect the external hard drive to the donor’s computer.
- Open the external hard drive (go to “Computer” and look under external devices).
- On the external hard drive, create a folder for your transfer. For example, Doe_John_08102013_Transfer01.
- Launch FTK Imager (use the FTK Imager – Shortcut icon).
Step 2: Create Disk Image Using FTK Imager
- In FTK, Go to File-->Create Disk Image.
- Pick the Contents of a folder option and click on Next. NOTE: Please refer to pages 96-97 of the AccessData manual for instructions on how to create a Custom Content Image.
- A message will pop up saying you have opted to create a logical image of a folder (etc.). Click on “Yes”.
- Browse for the folder you want to image, select, and click on OK.
- Click on Finish.
- The “Create Image” will open. Click on Add. NOTE: If given the option, for Image Type, choose .E01.
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next. NOTE: If you are creating an image of a CD or DVD, FTK skips this step.
- The Case Number = the donor’s name (Last, First) OR accession number, for institutional collections (accXXXX-XXX, for example: acc2021-001).
- The Evidence Number = the date of acquisition, in Year-MM-DD format
- The Unique Description = In you are copying multiple folders, put in the transfer number here, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01 OR accXXXX-XXX_01
- The Examiner = the name of the person acquiring the records in Last name, First name format (for example: Gustainis,Emily)
- Click on Next
- Next to “Image Destination Folder,” click on Browse. Select the folder you created on the external hard drive for the transfer.
- For the Image Filename, use the same name as the Unique Description, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01
- Click on Finish to continue.
- Make sure that the “Verify images after they are created” and the “Create directory listings of all files in the image after they are created” checkboxes are checked.
- Click Start. A window will open, indicating progress on the disk imaging and directory creation process.
- When the process is complete, click on Close (for all open windows).
Verify the disk image was created. Go to folder you created on the external hard drive for your transfer and verify the disk image and supporting processes documentation files were created (a .txt document detailing processes and checksums and a spreadsheet for the disk directory). DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE DISK IMAGE
Step 3: Copy Images to Shared Drive
- Create a folder structure for the acquired disk images, imaging and related documentation, and extracted files (use copies):
- In N:\E_Accn, create a folder for your transfer in either the Archives or Manuscripts folder.
If you are accessioning to the archives, use the following folder structure and naming conventions as below:
Note that the fifth level folder should be named using the Accession Number. If you do not have an accession number, use the date of transfer: DOT_20131016 to name the folder. All files and documentation live within the fifth level folder.
In the fifth folder, create three folders:
Disk Images (Masters)
UseCopiesIf you are acquiring a manuscript collection, use the following folder structure and naming conventions as below:
All files and documentation live within the third level folder.
In the third folder, create three folders:
Disk Images (Masters)
- In N:\E_Accn, create a folder for your transfer in either the Archives or Manuscripts folder.
- Insert external hard drive using the USB 3 slot in the “Imaging Shelf” area.
- Create disk image using FTK Imager.
- Open FTK.
- Go to File-->Create Disk Image.
- Pick the Image File option and click on Next.
- Browse for image file in the transfer you created on the external hard drive (will be an .ad1 or .aff) and click on Finish.
NOTE: If you end up with a .cue file in addition to the .iso file, choose only the .cuefile. FTK will know to pull the rest of the files. - Click on Add.
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next.
- The Case Number = the donor’s name (Last,First) OR accession number, for institutional collections (accXXXX-XXX, for example: acc2021-001).
- The Evidence Number = the date of acquisition, in Year-MM-DD format
- The Unique Description = In you are copying multiple folders, put in the transfer number here, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01
- The Examiner = the name of the person acquiring the records in Last name, First name format (for example: Gustainis, Emily)
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next.
- Next to “Image Destination Folder,” click on Browse. Locate the “Disk Images (Masters)” folder for your transfer. (For example, in: N:\E_Accn\Archives\M-CE10.01_Osher Research Center\Series 00336_Sponsored Project Administration\Acc. 2013-031\Disk Images (Masters)).
- Enter the transfer file name in the image filename box (for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01 OR acc2021-001_01).
- Click on Finish to continue.
- Make sure that the “Verify images after they are created” and the “Create directory listings of all files in the image after they are created” check boxes are checked.
- Click Start. A window will open, indicating progress on the disk imaging and directory creation process.
- When the process is complete, click on Close (for all open windows).
- Verify the disk image was created. Go to the Disk Images (Masters) folder you created for your collection and verify the disk image and supporting processes documentation files were created (a .txt document detailing processes and checksums and a spreadsheet for the disk directory). DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE DISK IMAGE
- In Disk Images (Masters), create a new folder to cut and paste from Disk Images (Masters) to the “Documentation” folder. Name the folder using the transfer name. For example: documentation\Acq_M-CE10.01_20130311_doc. Put the .txt and the spreadsheet generated by FTK in this folder.
- Cut the folder and paste it in the Documentation folder.
- Exit FTK Imager.
Step 4: Create Disk Image Using FTK Imager
- In FTK, Go to File-->Create Disk Image.
- Pick the Contents of a folder option and click on Next. NOTE: Please refer to pages 96-97 of the AccessData manual for instructions on how to create a Custom Content Image.
- A message will pop up saying you have opted to create a logical image of a folder (etc.). Click on “Yes”.
- Browse for the folder you want to image, select, and click on OK.
- Click on Finish.
- The “Create Image” will open. Click on Add. NOTE: If given the option, for Image Type, choose .E01.
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next. NOTE: If you are creating an image of a CD or DVD, FTK skips this step.
- The Case Number = the donor’s name (Last, First) OR accession number, for institutional collections (accXXXX-XXX, for example: acc2021-001).
- The Evidence Number = the date of acquisition, in Year-MM-DD format
- The Unique Description = In you are copying multiple folders, put in the transfer number here, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01 OR accXXXX-XXX_01
- The Examiner = the name of the person acquiring the records in Last name, First name format (for example: Gustainis,Emily)
- Click on Next
- Next to “Image Destination Folder,” click on Browse. Select the folder you created on the external hard drive for the transfer.
- For the Image Filename, use the same name as the Unique Description, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01
- Click on Finish to continue.
- Make sure that the “Verify images after they are created” and the “Create directory listings of all files in the image after they are created” checkboxes are checked.
- Click Start. A window will open, indicating progress on the disk imaging and directory creation process.
- When the process is complete, click on Close (for all open windows).
Verify the disk image was created. Go to folder you created on the external hard drive for your transfer and verify the disk image and supporting processes documentation files were created (a .txt document detailing processes and checksums and a spreadsheet for the disk directory). DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE DISK IMAGE
Step 5: Copy Images to Shared Drive
- Create a folder structure for the acquired disk images, imaging and related documentation, and extracted files (use copies):
- In N:\E_Accn, create a folder for your transfer in either the Archives or Manuscripts folder.
If you are accessioning to the archives, use the following folder structure and naming conventions as below:
Note that the fifth level folder should be named using the Accession Number. If you do not have an accession number, use the date of transfer: DOT_20131016 to name the folder. All files and documentation live within the fifth level folder.
In the fifth folder, create three folders:
Disk Images (Masters)
UseCopiesIf you are acquiring a manuscript collection, use the following folder structure and naming conventions as below:
All files and documentation live within the third level folder.
In the third folder, create three folders:
Disk Images (Masters)
- In N:\E_Accn, create a folder for your transfer in either the Archives or Manuscripts folder.
- Insert external hard drive using the USB 3 slot in the “Imaging Shelf” area.
- Create disk image using FTK Imager.
- Open FTK.
- Go to File-->Create Disk Image.
- Pick the Image File option and click on Next.
- Browse for image file in the transfer you created on the external hard drive (will be an .ad1 or .aff) and click on Finish.
NOTE: If you end up with a .cue file in addition to the .iso file, choose only the .cuefile. FTK will know to pull the rest of the files. - Click on Add.
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next.
- The Case Number = the donor’s name (Last,First) OR accession number, for institutional collections (accXXXX-XXX, for example: acc2021-001).
- The Evidence Number = the date of acquisition, in Year-MM-DD format
- The Unique Description = In you are copying multiple folders, put in the transfer number here, for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01
- The Examiner = the name of the person acquiring the records in Last name, First name format (for example: Gustainis, Emily)
- Fill out Evidence Item Information form and the click Next.
- Next to “Image Destination Folder,” click on Browse. Locate the “Disk Images (Masters)” folder for your transfer. (For example, in: N:\E_Accn\Archives\M-CE10.01_Osher Research Center\Series 00336_Sponsored Project Administration\Acc. 2013-031\Disk Images (Masters)).
- Enter the transfer file name in the image filename box (for example: DoeJohn_20130810_01 OR acc2021-001_01).
- Click on Finish to continue.
- Make sure that the “Verify images after they are created” and the “Create directory listings of all files in the image after they are created” check boxes are checked.
- Click Start. A window will open, indicating progress on the disk imaging and directory creation process.
- When the process is complete, click on Close (for all open windows).
- Verify the disk image was created. Go to the Disk Images (Masters) folder you created for your collection and verify the disk image and supporting processes documentation files were created (a .txt document detailing processes and checksums and a spreadsheet for the disk directory). DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE DISK IMAGE
- In Disk Images (Masters), create a new folder to cut and paste from Disk Images (Masters) to the “Documentation” folder. Name the folder using the transfer name. For example: documentation\Acq_M-CE10.01_20130311_doc. Put the .txt and the spreadsheet generated by FTK in this folder.
- Cut the folder and paste it in the Documentation folder.
- Exit FTK Imager.
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