- File created (paper and electronic)
- For archival collections, the electronic file should be labeled by the office number and office name (e.g. M-AD02 Planning Office) within the school-specific folder and saved in N:\Collections\01_Archives.
- Paper records are maintained by the Longwood Medical Area Records Manager and Archivist and the HSPH Archivist.
- For guidance on creating and naming paper and electronic control files, consult the following manual pages:
- On-site appraisal of records (one or multiple visits).
- If possible (and if appropriate), records are roughly grouped by series and boxed at creator site.
- Box level inventory/packing list created prior to transport, when possible. If appropriate, archival collections may be listed by the creating department’s staff; this is coordinated by the LMA Records Manager and Archivist or HSPH Archivist.
- A checklist for HMS/HSDM/HSPH departmental staff coordinating the transfer of materials from their office to the archives should be distributed as appropriate.
- A checklist for HMS/HSDM/HSPH departmental staff coordinating the transfer of materials from their office to the archives should be distributed as appropriate.
- Records transferred to Center. Staff should be notified in advance of the delivery date so that space in stacks is reserved and people are on hand to help, if needed.
- Packing list examined by staff against boxes received to verify receipt of all materials.
- Have department contact sign off on the transfer using the Internal Transfer Receipt form. If the contact is unable to sign the form at the point of transfer, you can email the form to the donor to sign and return via email. They do not need to send back the signed original.
- Regardless of how format, save a digital version in the department's N: drive control file in the folder Acquisitions_Documentation.
- Regardless of how format, save a digital version in the department's N: drive control file in the folder Acquisitions_Documentation.
- An Accession form is generated and usually stays with the collection or Archivist through the accessioning process, until it is cataloged and sent to HD.
- File the Internal Transfer Receipt and the Accession record in the department's physical control file.
See also:
- Assigning Office Names and Numbers to Departments
- Headings & Authorities (esp. the "Handling Corporate Body Name Changes" section)
, multiple selections available,
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