Corresponding and Coordinating with Prospective Donors
Appraisal and Selection
Offers of records for donation should be discussed with the Director or the Deputy Director. If it is deemed appropriate, Center staff should then conduct an in-person survey of the offered materials.
Survey documentation should note:
- Preliminary series represented by the records
- Rough inclusive dates
- Approximate volume (to inform supplies needed for future boxing)
- Presence of electronic media and audio-visual formats
- Any possible preservation or rights issues
* The Curator of the Warren Anatomical Museum should be notified about any objects or instruments offered alongside manuscript materials; the Curator will make the final determination regarding acquisition of any objects or instruments.
* The Reference Services Librarian should be notified about any books (published prior to 1900) that are offered along with manuscript materials; the Reference Services Librarian will make the final final determination regarding acquisition of any published volumes.
Packing & Physical Transfer
If possible (and if appropriate), roughly group records by series and box in records center cartons at the site of origin.
Create a Box List using the Box List Template as you pack. You will use this information later to create the Deed of Gift. If a donor is shipping materials to the Countway, request that a box-level inventory be provided prior to shipment. If a donor has boxed materials on their own or if you were unable to create the Box List for any reason prior to transport, once back at the Center, rebox materials as needed and fill out the box list.
Box List Template is located in: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\07_BoxList_Template
Box Lists made during packing should be saved to the Network Drive under
N:\Collections\03_Manuscripts\[CREATOR]\Acquisitions\Survey Notes with the file name: YYYY-MM-DD_BoxList_[creator]
Later, after materials have been accessioned, fill in the "Accession #" and Barcode fields, and SAVE AS to the Description folder on the network drive with the file name:
BoxList_[creator]_Acc####-###[accession number]
Box List Template Field Guide
- Barcode: Barcode numbers should be assigned when accessioning is complete. For additional instructions, please see HD & Barcoding.
- Accession Number: The accession number is the fiscal year of accession followed by a three digit number indicating which number accession it was for the year. For example, 2007-012 indicates that this was the twelfth archival accession for fiscal year 2007. Remember to enter the accession number for every box so that the spreadsheet sorts correctly if combined with another accession from the same creator.
- Preliminary Series: This field contains top-level preliminary series, for example: Research Records, Professional Activities Records, Talks and Lectures. This field will be used to generate the inventory for the Appendix to the gift agreement.
- Start Year: Based on a sampling of the records, enter the earliest creation date present in the box. This information will be used later in the Appendix to the gift agreement and to establish the date component of the collection title.
- End Year: Based on a sampling of the records, enter the latest creation date present in the box. This information will be used later in the Appendix to the gift agreement and to establish the date component of the collection title.
- Description of box contents: Enter here more specific details about box contents, including specific project or committee names, topics of research, course titles, and any special formats present (i.e. 35 mm slides, photographic prints and negatives, 3.5" floppy disks). This information, combined with that in the Preliminary Series field will be used to generate a scope note for the Appendix to the gift agreement and the accession record.
- Arrangement: Note if files are alphabetical or chronological, or if there is some other easily-described scheme; otherwise leave blank.
- Physical Condition: Note any preservation concerns, presence of bulky housing such as binders or hanging files, whether glass is present, etc.
- Restricted records: Note the presence of records to which the Center should provide restricted access, such as medical, health, or patient information, personally-identifying information, or Harvard University records. If no such records are present, leave blank.
- Electronic Media: Mark "Y" if Electronic Media of any kind is present in the box; note specific types and quantities in the Description of box contents field.
- A/V materials: Mark "Y" if Audio-visual media of any kind is present in the box; note specific types and quantities in the Description of box contents field.
- Objects for transfer to WAM: Denote specific object(s) to be transferred to the Warren Anatomical Museum. Such materials should only be packed after consultation with and approval of the WAM Curator.
- Books for transfer to Rare Books: Denote the presence of any books to be transferred to the Metadata Archivist for individual cataloging. Such materials should only be packed if they meet established criteria for book acquisitions.
Document physical transfer using one of two forms:
(Preferred) Receipt for Transfer of Records/Objects - Have the Donor or their designated representative sign off on the physical removal of materials from their place of origin. This is just to document the act of the transfer and has no bearing on the legal status of the materials.
Transfer Record - The transfer record should only be utilized in cases where there is no individual present to sign the "Receipt for Transfer of Records/Objects"; For example, if a collection is received via FedEx or USPS shipment, or if a Donor has dropped something off at the Center unannounced.
Forms are located in: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\03_Physical_Transfer
Select one of the following methods to transport records to the Center. Identify and reserve stacks space prior to transport; recruit staff to assist in unloading, if needed:
- Transport using personal vehicle
- Staff may park for this purpose in the Countway Lot on Huntington Ave; permits may be requested from the Center's Deputy Director or the Countway Library's Executive Assistant to the Director
- Mileage traveled in a personal vehicle for this purpose is eligible for reimbursement. Example business purpose: "Travel in personal vehicle on [DATE] to transport records from [ADDRESS] to the Countway Library for acquisition by CHoM"
- Rent a Zipcar
- *Reservations must be made and paid for using a personal Zipcar account, but as a Harvard staff member you may be eligible for a discounted annual membership. Submit receipt for reimbursement.
- Hire a courier service
- The Center has an account with Boston Express Delivery (617) 965-6605; They will follow up with an invoice, which may be paid using a Center staff member's Purchasing Card (P-card) or submitted to the Countway finance team for payment. If paying with a P-card, the original invoice and receipt reflecting payment should be submitted to the Countway finance office.
- FedEx shipment
- For donors outside of New England, records may be shipped via FedEx. Shipment is ideally at the expense of the donor. Shipping may only be charged to the Countway FedEx account on a case-by-case basis with prior approval from the Director or Deputy Director.
Initiate either the MSS:New Collections -or- MSS: Accruals Workflow Checklist as soon as materials have been received. Date and initial next to each completed step.
Checklists are located in: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\06_Workflow_Checklists
Keep transfer receipts or forms, checklists, and other related documentation such as survey notes or printed correspondence together in a single folder.
Legal Transfer (Deed of Gift)
Physical and legal rights to donated materials must be transferred to the Harvard Medical Library or the Boston Medical Library (as appropriate); this is done by the donors' signing of the Center's Certificate of Gift - more commonly referred to as the deed of gift (DoG).
For New Collections
Create the DoG using the most current version(s) of the templates located on the N Drive: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\04_Legal_Transfer
The DoG consists of the following components:
- The legal contract between the Donor and the Library
- Appendix A: consisting of preliminary extent, scope note, transfer information, and box-level inventory (based on the inventory made during packing and transport).
- Subsequent Appendices denoting later accruals to an existing collection or special considerations for access and use of the materials
Mail or hand-deliver the DoG to the Donor. They are required to initial one of the two options re: disposal of separated materials and to sign the line at the bottom of the document. If mailing, include the Acknowledgement Letter, which describes the purpose of the gift agreement.
Acknowledgement letters are located in: N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\01_Letters\02_Acknowledgement
Hand off to the Director for countersignature when you have received the signed and initialed document from the Donor.Once the Director has signed, scan and copy the fully executed document.
- Save the scan to the Electronic Control File
- Mail the photocopy back to the Donor for their records.
For Accruals
Create a new Appendix using the template for accruals located in N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\04_Legal_Transfer . Determine the appropriate alpha designation for the new appendix based on the existing DoG documentation for the collection. Save the new file to the appropriate Electronic Control File
Print two copies of the new Appendix
- File one in the Donor folder
- Return the other, along with a photocopy of the full executed agreement, to the Donor. Include with your mailing a signed acknowledgment from the Director using the Acknowledgement_Accretion template found in N:\Administration_CHoM\Policies_and_Policy_Development\Acquisitions\01_Forms_and_Templates\01_Letters\02_Acknowledgement
When the DoG has been either executed (for new collections) or updated (for accruals), the collection or accrual may be accessioned.
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