Linking Locations to Top Containers

Every resource in ArchivesSpace should have Top Containers associated to appropriate levels of description. Each of those Top Containers should also be designated and linked to a location. 

Locations are a combination of Building, Floor, Area, Range, Bay, and Shelf OR Building, Floor, Area, Case Range, Bay, Drawer for flat files.

The best way to add Locations to Top Containers in ArchivesSpace is through the Manage Top Containers screen. It is also best accomplished when processing is complete and boxes are being either shelved onsite or being sent to HD. 

  1. Navigate to Manage Top Containers
  2. Search for your collection in the Resource search bar (you must click “Search” on the bottom right of the page)
  3. You will get a list of the Top Containers associated with your collection
  4. Click the boxes on the left of each Top Container that you want to associate a Location
  5. Click on Bulk Operations > Update Locations: Single Location
  6. A pop-up will appear with the Top Container you selected. Search for the location where the box is housed, e.g. Pusey Library: 2, Range: 5, Bay: 2, Shelf: 7. You may need to format this precisely and use quotation marks to find the precise location you’re looking for. To add Houghton's HD location for all materials going offsite, it is [HOU] Harvard Depository. If you type in [HOU], it will pop up!
  7. Select the appropriate location from the drop down menu.
  8. Click “Update”