Houghton EAD Template
Houghton EAD Template
Last updated: 2009
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="file:/H:/HOUGHTON/Technical%20Services/MS%20Section/MS%20Documentation/EAD%202009/wordperfect_view.css"?> <ead fileSize="10770" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://hul.harvard.edu/ois/xml/xsd/oasis/ead2002/ead.xsd"> <eadheader countryencoding="iso3166-1" dateencoding="iso8601" langencoding="iso639-2b" repositoryencoding="iso15511" scriptencoding="iso15924"> <eadid identifier="xxxxxxxx">houxxxxx[add id attribute for HOLLIS record number; must be 9 digits long; can have no spaces]</eadid> <filedesc> <titlestmt> <titleproper>xxxx (xxx): Guide. [This is creator, title, and date(s); must match 1xx and 245 in MARC record; put call number inside parentheses using MS only, no b, f, pf, or H-D; this element is what appears in the OASIS browse list]</titleproper> </titlestmt> </filedesc> <profiledesc> <creation><date>04/01/2014 </date>encoder's name </creation> <descrules>Finding aid prepared using DACS </descrules> </profiledesc> <revisiondesc> <change> <date>08/01/2014 </date> <item>Template update. [this set-of elements can be deleted when template is used]</item> </change> <change> <date calendar="gregorian" era="ce">mm/dd/yyyy </date> <item><name>encoder's name</name> [always fill this in when making a substantial change to the finding aid; also always use "Last update" tags below for a public note] </item> </change> </revisiondesc> </eadheader> <frontmatter> <titlepage> <num>call number [call number using MS only, no b, f, pf, or HD]</num> <titleproper>xxx: Guide. [repeat as in title proper above, but with no call number; this element is visible at top of OASIS finding aid] </titleproper> <author>Houghton Library, Harvard College Library </author> <p> <extptr xlink:href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.OIS:fas_shield";xlink:type="simple"/></p> <publisher>Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 USA </publisher> <p>© 2014 The President and Fellows of Harvard College [fill-in current year] </p> <sponsor>sponsor information [use this element when a fund, group, or grant is funding the markup or cataloging of the collection; ex: "Cataloging funded by the Francis P. Scully and Robert G. Scully Class of 1951 Fund"\]</sponsor> <edition>Last update on 200x month day </edition> </titlepage> </frontmatter> <archdesc level="collection"> <did> <repository>Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University [default display is "Repository:"]</repository> <physloc>Harvard Depository [Location of materials. Use this if stored offsite and add note element below]</physloc> <note> <p>This collection/a portion/the majority of this collection [use as applicable] is shelved offsite at the Harvard Depository. See access restrictions below for additional information. [add this text if collection has been sent to Harvard Depository, but only when it is sent, not as it is waiting for end-processing and housed at Houghton]</p> </note> <physloc>Location [shelving size; use if NOT at Harvard Depository: b, f, pf add all forms that apply to this collection]</physloc> <unitid>Call Number [if collection includes multiple call numbers, each needs to be individually listed in its own <unitid >]</unitid> <origination label="creator"> <persname>[same as above in titleproper; use <persname>, <corpname> or <famname> as appropriate; default display is "Creator:"]</persname> </origination> <unittitle>xxx, [same as above in titleproper above, using title only (no dates); default display is "Title:"</unittitle> <unitdate>xxxx-xxxx. [inclusive dates; use bulk dates only if necessary and add another <unitdate> element, with words (bulk) at start; default display is "Date(s):"] </unitdate> <physdesc> <extent>xx linear feet (xx boxes)[distinguish types of containers; ex: 3 volumes, 4 boxes, 6 portfolio boxes; list digital and audio/visual media and mention special equipment needed in <phystech> element below; default display is ["Quantity:"\]</extent> </physdesc> <langmaterial>Collection materials are in <language langcode="eng">English </language>and <language langcode="fre">French. </language>\[languages in collection; add this element even if only in English; add appropriate langcode attribute to <language> element] </langmaterial> <abstract>Abstract [keep very brief, one-sentence summary of collection} </abstract> </did> <processinfo> <p>Processed by: name [if known]</p> <p>[other notes that are essential to describe the processing of collection are inserted here]</p> </processinfo> <acqinfo> <p><num>accession number. </num>Gift of <persname role="donor">donor name, </persname>[DO NOT put address of donor in finding aid; DO NOT list the dealer name or address in the finding aid; never put amount paid in finding aid (change as of [12/20/2010)]; received: <date>date of acquisition [yyyy only] </date>month day. [use this element grouping to record only the immediate source of the materials being described; repeat the <p> element only to record mulitple accession numbers and donors; ex: 95M-56. Purchased with the Amy Lowell fund, 1996 May 1] </p><p>Forms part of the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. [Use if necessary]</p> </acqinfo> <custodhist> <head>Provenance: </head> <p>[use this element grouping to record information about the chain of ownership before the materials came here, if known; default display for the head is "Custodial history," our <head> element overrides it]</p> </custodhist> <accessrestrict> <p>Access Restrictions [conditions governing physical access; always include that it is open, mention if it is at the Harvard Depository, and add specific restrictions to access if there are any, using one or a combination of the following examples. Use separate <p>s if there are more than one type of note, i.e.: collection is open but it is stored at HD] </p> <p> [ex. 1] There are no restrictions on physical access to this material. </p> <p>[ex. 2] This collection/a portion of this collection is not housed at the Houghton Library but is shelved offsite at the Harvard Depository. Retrieval requires advance notice. Readers should check with Houghton Public Services staff to determine what material is offsite and retrieval policies and times. [Use this text when material is stored at HD along with <physloc> and <note> elements above] </p> <p>[ex. 3] Restricted: fragile; use surrogate. For access to original consult curatorial staff. [All restrictions notes must use one of the 10 authorized restriction possibilities]. </p> <p>[ex. 4] Manuscripts of unpublished T.S. Eliot material may be consulted only with the permission of Mrs. T.S. Eliot. </p> </accessrestrict> <phystech> <head>Special Equipment Required for Access: </head> <p>Special equipment or surrogate required; consult Houghton Public Services. </p> </phystech> <userestrict> <p>Use Restrictions [Restrictions on use or reproduction of materials after access is granted. Use only if needed, ex: Photocopying restricted]. </p> </userestrict> <userestrict> <head>Copyright: </head> <p>[use this <head> to override default display; if restriction refers to copyright, use this element grouping; if we own literary rights, then say so; ex: "Copyright in the works of Emily Dickinson is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and others. For permission to quote or reproduce from manuscript material of Dickinson, contact the Curator of Modern Books and Manuscripts, Houghton Library. For permission to quote from published editions of Dickinson's work that are still in copyright, contact the Permissions Dept., Harvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138-1499 USA."]</p> </userestrict> <altformavail> <p>Alternate Form Available [use this element grouping when an alternate format is available and/or when readers must use the other format (coupled with restriction note) for microfilm, photocopy, or such] </p> </altformavail> <prefercite> <head>Preferred Citation for Publication: </head> <p>Preferred citation for publication note. [use form: author/title (call number). Houghton Library, Harvard University; ex: "Marguerite Yourcenar Papers, 1870-1987 (MS Fr 372). Houghton Library, Harvard University."; This is the only entry where all words are capitalized (except articles/prepositions)] </p> </prefercite> <bioghist> <p>Historical Note [Biographical or administrative history note; use if needed and keep brief, the more famous the person, the less need be said; mark up elements that are not found elsewhere in finding aid]</p> </bioghist> <arrangement> <p>Arrangement [arrangement of collection; if multiple series, use with <list> <item> elements to create a nested outline]</p> </arrangement> <scopecontent> <p>Scope and Content [scope and content statement; use as needed; mark up elements not mentioned or marked-up elsewhere in finding aid]</p> </scopecontent> <separatedmaterial> <p>Separated Material [mention significant materials that came in with this collection that were cataloged separately or discarded]</p> </separatedmaterial> <relatedmaterial> <p>Related Material [use this sparingly to mention materials at other repositories, and only significant materials at Houghton; especially mention other accessions that form part of this person's papers; note box lists, or other finding aids, indexes, that would be useful for the reader; mention if a useful curatorial file exists]</p> </relatedmaterial> <bibliography> <p>Bibliography[use especially to mention citations to works that are cited in the finding aid and use sparingly for works that are based on, about, or of special value when using the materials being described]</p> </bibliography> <dsc type="in-depth"></dsc></archdesc></ead>
, multiple selections available,