Examples of folder-level mark-up
Examples of folder-level mark-up
Example for correspondence:
<c> <did> <unitid>(1) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>James, Henry, 1843-1916. </persname> Correspondence with <persname>Florence Pertz, </persname> <unitdate>1900-1909 </unitdate>and undated. </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>1 folder. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Removed from item (61). </p> </note> </c>
Example for general correspondence folder:
<c> <did> <unitid>(1) </unitid> <unittitle> A. through Ak-. Correspondence with <corpname>Houghton, Mifflin and Company, </corpname> <unitdate>1912-1939 </unitdate>and undated. </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>2 folders. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Includes correspondence with: <corpname>A. Rosenthal Ltd., </corpname> <corpname>Abercrombie & Fitch, </corpname> <corpname>ABI Books (Firm), </corpname> <persname>Mildred K. Abraham, </persname>and others. </p> </note> </c>
Example for single composition:
<c> <did> <physloc>f </physloc> <unitid>(50) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>James, Henry, 1843-1916. </persname> <title>Daisy Miller</title> : typescript (signed), <unitdate>1906. </unitdate> </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>5 folders. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Typescript includes autograph manuscript annotations. </p> <p> Also with 1 <genreform>photograph </genreform> of the <famname>James family. </famname> </p> </note> </c>
Example for composition using list/item:
<c> <did> <unitid>(11) RESTRICTED </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Smith, John, 1823-1897. </persname> <genreform>Poems</genreform> : typescripts, typescript carbons, <unitdate>1853-1870. </unitdate> </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>3 folders. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Includes the following titles: <list> <item><title>Dream on</title></item> <item><title>Once upon a time</title></item> <item><title>Save my life</title></item> </list> </p> </note> </c>
Example for subject grouping of materials in folder with only general description:
<c> <did> <unitid>(4) </unitid> <unittitle>Dogs, <unitdate>1974-1976. </unitdate> </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>2 folders. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Includes correspondence and <genreform> financial records </genreform> between Marguerite Yourcenar and veterinarians concerning her pets. </p> <p>Also includes <genreform>postcards </genreform> "sent" by her pets to her, while she was on vacation. Postcards written by Yourcenar's housekeepers and a few by <persname>Grace Frick. </persname> </p> </note> </c>
Example for one photograph (short form):
<c> <did> <unitid>(1) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Jones, Sarah, 1845-1905. </persname> Portrait <genreform>daguerreotype, </genreform>, ca. <unitdate>1860. </unitdate> </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>1 item in case. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Photographed by <corpname>White and Brothers (Boston). </corpname> </p></note></c>
Example for one photograph (long form):
<c> <did> <unitid>(1) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Cameron, Julia Margaret, 1815-1879, photographer. </persname> <title>Tennyson</title> : portrait <genreform>photograph; </genreform><geogname>England, </geogname> <unitdate>1869. </unitdate> </unittitle><physdesc><extent>1 </extent> <genreform> photograph on mount : </genreform> <physfacet>albumen ; </physfacet> <dimensions>29 x 24 cm, mount 45 x 36 cm </dimensions></physdesc> </did><note> <p>In manuscript below print: From the registered photograph, copyright Julia Margaret Cameron, June 3rd, 1869. </p> <<p>Subject: Photograph of British poet, Lord Alfred Tennyson, facing left. </p> p>Framed and glazed. </p> <p>Title supplied by cataloger. </p> </note></c>
Example for "grouped" photographs:
<c> <did> <unitid>(15) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Squires, Sarah. </persname> Portrait <genreform>photographs, </genreform>undated. </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>1 folder. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Includes: 2 <genreform>tintypes, </genreform> 4 <genreform>cartes-de-visite, </genreform> and 3 <genreform>cabinet photographs. </genreform> </p> </note> </c>
Example for items planning for future use of digital object (coded this way for insertion of <dao> tag within each <c>):
<c> <did> <unitid>(15) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Squires, Sarah. </persname> Portrait <genreform>photographs, </genreform>undated. </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>2 items in 1 folder. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p>Includes the following images: </p> </note> <c level="otherlevel" otherlevel="document"> Sarah Squires with cat : <genreform>carte-de-visite </genreform>portrait, undated. </c> <c level="otherlevel" otherlevel="document"> Sarah Squires with dog : <genreform>cabinet photograph </genreform>portrait, undated. </c> </c>
Example for drawing with detailed description:
<c> <did> <physloc>pf </physloc> <unitid>(1) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Vizetelly, Frank, 1830-1883, artist. </persname> <title>"Barbarous" treatment of the Negro in the Confederate Camp, nights by the pine wood fire</title>; <geogname>Virginia, </geogname> <unitdate>1862 </unitdate>October-November. </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>1 </extent> <genreform> drawing : </genreform> <physfacet>pencil and watercolor on buff paper ; </physfacet> <dimensions>18 x 23 centimeters. </dimensions> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p> Autograph manuscript inscription on verso. </p> <p>Unsigned. </p> <p> Subject: Campfire scene with tent next to fire at center of scene. Dancing "Negro" near campfire, banjo player inside tent. These subjects surrounded by standing soldiers viewing entertainment. Forest in background. </p> <p> Engraved in <emph>Illustrated London News, </emph> <date>1863 </date>January 10. </p></note></c>
Example for cataloging audio materials:
<c> <did> <unitid>(1) </unitid> <unittitle> <persname>Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849. </persname> <title>Valses</title> : 1 <genreform>phonograph record ; </genreform> <corpname>EMI Records, </corpname> <unitdate>2006. </unitdate> </unittitle> <physdesc> <extent>1 folder. </extent> </physdesc> </did> <note> <p><persname>Stephen Kovacevich, </persname>piano. </p> <p>Recorded at <geogname>Potton Hall, Suffolk, </geogname> <date>2005 </date>July 14-19. </p> </note> </c>