Writing the Order for DRS Retrieval

Writing the Order for DRS Retrieval

Orders larger than 10 requests are sent to Imaging Services to be processed. Very large orders will require pricing from the Manager of Digital Imaging and Photography Services.

1. Open the request and navigate to the billing tab.

2. Highlight the existing services and delete.

3. Click on the blank space below Billing Context and select IS: Automation: DRS from the drop down.

4. Tab over to Billing Type and select Retrieval from DRS: 1-10 Images.

5.  Tab over and adjust the Unit Fee or Quantity as appropriate. Tab to finish.

6. Add Service Level by clicking on the blank space below Billing Context. Tab over to select the appropriate level and tab to finish line.

7. Add Shipping

  • Online: select PS: Shipping: Online under Billing Context. Tab over to select Online Delivery from drop down. Tab to finish entering information.
  • For physical items: select  PS: Shipping: Domestic or  PS: Shipping: Intl. and then tab over to finish entry.

8. When invoice is complete, click “Generate Invoice”. Status will change to Order Quote Issued.

9. Add any notes in Staff Notes field.

10. Move circulation status to Request Finished

11. Change site to “HOUPRES”

12. Navigate to email tab. Select HOU – Item Invoice and send email notification to patron.

13. Put DRS IDs in a spreadsheet to be placed the following folder: H:\Imaging_and_Houghton\OTC PS\Downloads.