Retrievals from the DRS
Retrievals from the DRS
There are two types of downloads that Houghton Library provides to its remote patrons: high-resolution publication quality images and reference copy PDFs that are restricted to the public due to rights concerns. The library will process up to 5 requests at a time.
High-Resolution Image Retrieval
- You will first need to find the ID.
- Once you have the display ID, you will retrieve the image(s) from the DRS2.
- Follow these instructions to convert a JP2 file to a TIFF, if necessary.
- Next upload the image(s) to Aeon and email the patron.
If the patron is requesting more than 10 images, then write an order for DRS Retrieval
to be fulfilled by Imaging Services.
Reference PDF (Download JP2 Files)
- Locate the object ID in Archives Space or Alma.
- Once you have the object ID, retrieve the files from the DRS2 using the download by object ID.
- On left-hand dropdown, select All Items in Result Set
- Under Actions select Download Files
- A new box will pop up asking for a dropbox location.
- Enter drs2_houftp in the field.
- Login to WinSCP to access the files.
- Extract and save the JP2 files to a folder on the desktop.
- To convert the JP2 files to JPEG
- Open Adobe Photoshop.
- Under File select Scripts, then Image Processor.
- Select Folder to import.
- Select location to save processed images.
- Under File Type, check Save as JPEG
- Click Run
- Once all JP2 files have been converted to JPEG, open Adobe Acrobat.
- Under Tools, select Combine Files.
- Save new PDF with Aeon transaction number to desktop.
- Upload the image(s) to Aeon and email the patron.