Books End-Processing: Routing & Aeon Slips

Books End-Processing: Routing & Aeon Slips

Each new item has a routing slip to inform the end-processor of the necessary actions needed for processing the item. It should also be accompanied with an Aeon slip identifying its routing to “End-Processing-Books.” Books already in the collection only have an Aeon slip with processing directions.

Routing Slips

Catalogers completely fill out routing slips for every item, making sure all information is accurate and legible.

Each routing slip should include the following information, if applicable, by checking off the box on the slip and/or adding explanatory information in the designated areas of the slip.

  • a full call number with space indicators and suffixes

  • an accession number and if no accession number, the date of acquisition in this format: 14 May 1972

  • the Alma MMS ID

  • complete bookplate fund or gift information

  • whether a spine label or tab is needed

  • casing requirements (e.g. prefab, CMI)

  • if warranted, directions for any necessary conservation treatments so the TS Assistant can direct the item to Conservation and Preservation

  • any specific instructions, largely those relating to labeling and/or plating (e.g. tipped in labels, labels affixed in a particular location),

  • if warranted, indication a dust/book jacket cover is needed

Aeon Slips

An Aeon slip is included with routing slips for new acquisitions and for existing Houghton items requiring end-processing. It includes general information about the material (e.g. title, author, call number) and indicates that the material’s location has been changed in Aeon. For recataloged materials, only an Aeon slip is required with the material. However, the cataloger should include all pertinent information needed for effective end-processing (e.g. spine label, casing). Catalogers change the location to "Books-End Processing" in Aeon before sending materials to end-processing.