Books End-Processing: Labels

Books End-Processing: Labels

Label Cheat Sheets

(no enclosure)
  • long tab
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • spine label
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • Tyvek envelope


  • spine label
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • spine label
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • spine label
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • spine label
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • box/broadside label
  • box/broadside label
  • box/broadside label
  • N/A

Book with slipcases

or cloth cases

  • spine label (unless
    otherwise specified)
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • spine label
  • ownership label
  • plate
  • Tyvek envelope
Reference bookvaries; see routing slip 

Ideal processing lot size*

*based on labels per 8.5x11" template

Spine label48
Long tabMultiples of 3
Short tab*no longer in use

Broadside/box label

Multiples of 6

Label types

This section describes label types and uses. For positioning of labels, see Books End-Processing: Pasting, Wrapping, and Barcoding.

Ownership labels

For: All materials except broadsides and some boxed materials (see routing slips for directions). Always make ownership labels for books unless and item already has one (ex: transfers).

What they are: Labels printed on cream paper. They include the call number, collection, and accession number or date (if available).

    • Size designations (f, pf) are not necessary on ownership labels. Delete manually.
    • When the accession number is the same as the call number, delete the redundant information from the bottom of the label.
    • Trim labels to leave a 2mm border.

Ownership labels record the classification number, accession number, and location of an item. There are a number of different types of ownership labels for items in the various Houghton collections:

  • Houghton Library

  • Harvard Theatre Collection

  • Poetry Room

  • Broadsides/Boxes


Ownership labels in Books

For all books which receive ownership labels (HOU, THE titles, as well as POE* (Blue Star, rare materials) the general format of the label is the same: the call number goes in the upper left corner of the label, the name of the library in the center, and the accession number (or date) at the lower right.

  • The standard font for our ownership labels is Times New Roman; the font size for information typed into the templates (call number and accession number or date) is 13 point. There are templates in the students processing folder for each type of ownership label (Houghton, HTC, Poetry*, etc.).

  • If there is no accession number, a date of acquisition is substituted, following the form day/month/year (e.g. 28 February 2008). If neither accession number nor date of acquisition is available, leave the area blank.

  • The accession number should be typed in the top left corner for accessions without a call number. if the date of the accession for a non-call number item is known, place it in the lower right corner. Otherwise, do not repeat the accession number in the lower right corner.

  • After proofing, labels should be cut approximately 2 mm outside of the border.

  • Labels should be positioned in the upper right hand corner of the inside back cover.

  • If there is any writing or marking (even if erased) in the space where the ownership label should go, do not obscure this information. Also, if there is something (other than a Houghton label) in this space, do not obscure it. In these cases, place the label as near to the customary location as possible.

  • If there is an old Houghton label there already, paste the new label over the old.  Do not try to remove the old label.

  • You do not need to make a new label if there is an old Houghton label pasted in already, as long as the information hasn’t changed (such as reclassification resulting in a new call number) and the label is still legible.

  • If some indication of earlier provenance prevents pasting in this location, either tip in or put in another location, preferably on the facing fly leaf.

  • Always follow any specific instructions on routing slip, referring to the Technical Services Assistant when anything is irregular or unclear.

Spine labels

For: Default label for most materials. (HD-bound books, CDs, DVDs, cased materials, and items for the reading room.)

Do not use for: Broadsides, boxes, books staying on site, any exceptions as noted on routing slips.

What they are: Sticker labels printed on adhesive-backed label paper. They contain the call number (including size designations: f, pf, etc.) and special notes:

All spine labels are height-centered and created using Times New Roman font at 10 pt.

    • Alerts to Public Services staff, such as "LOOSE MATERIAL," "LOOSE MS MATERIAL," "USE RESTRICTED," "FRAGILE," or "MANUSCRIPT." These will be noted on the routing slip. Enter manually in capital letters.
    • Descriptive information such as volume and year. Enter manually. 

Long Tabs

For: Stacks-bound (on-site) books.

What they are: Bookmark-style labels on cream card stock. They contain the call number (including size designations: f, pf, etc.) and special notes:

    • Alerts to Public Services staff, such as "LOOSE MATERIAL," "LOOSE MS MATERIAL," "USE RESTRICTED," "FRAGILE," or "MANUSCRIPT." These will be noted on the routing slip. Enter manually in capital letters.
    • Descriptive information such as volume and year. Enter manually.

Short Tabs

For: Short tabs have been phased out our regular processing workflow. However, some cloth cased and slipcased materials may still call for short tabs if the case is too valuable for a spine label. In some cases, we may need to replace existing short tabs. 

What they are: Small labels printed on cream card stock, to be pasted onto the edge of cases. They contain the call number (including size designations: f, pf, etc.) and special notes:

    • Alerts to Public Services staff, such as "LOOSE MATERIAL," "LOOSE MS MATERIAL," "USE RESTRICTED," "FRAGILE," or "MANUSCRIPT." These will be noted on the routing slip. Enter manually in capital letters.
    • Descriptive information such as volume and year. Enter manually.

Broadside/box labels

For: Broadside folders and boxes. (For boxes too small for broadside labels, use the "small box label" template instead.)

What they are: Large labels printed on white sticker paper. They include call number and descriptive information, author, title, date of publication, accession number, donor/fund information, and holding library.


 For: All books, except some reference books. Books without fund designations get generic "Harvard College Library," "Harvard Theatre Collection," or "Woodberry Poetry Room" plates.

What they are: Labels designating the donor of the item or the fund with which it was purchased. They vary in size, shape, and design.

Label-making Process

General Procedures

We generate labels automatically using label templates and macros (keyboard shortcuts that trigger a series of actions). All label types follow the same basic set of instructions. See label-specific instructions for additional information.

  • Login to Alma on your browser.
  • Scan or type in the Alma MMS ID from the routing slip into the search bar.
  • Check the title in the 245 field of the record to make sure it matches the item in hand. 
  • In the lower right area of the screen, locate the tab labeled “4. HOL Records” and click on it. 
  • Find the holdings record that matches the call number on the routing slip, click on that record, and press the “Edit” button (located in the lower right corner).
  • Check the accession number in the 541 field (subfield "e") to make sure it matches the item in hand.
  • Use the appropriate macro command for the type of labels you'd like to make. Macro express will pull up the correct Word templates and fill in the information.
    • Note: Don't click on or press anything while the macro is running.
  • Check that the labels generated correctly. Correct errors, remove redundant accession numbers, and add volume information if necessary.
  • When the template is full, print the labels on the appropriate paper.
  • Close the label template without saving the document.

Book label and spine label

Macro command:  Ctrl + J

    • After printing, consult the “Spine Label Tracking Sheet” on the wall behind the student computer desk.  Find the next blank alphanumeric combination, cross it off, and write that on the top of the spine label sheet and on each of the routing slips for that lot of items.

Book Label and Long Tab

Macro command: Ctrl + O

    • Use standard-sized cardstock paper for items under 10", and long paper for taller items.

Book Label and Short Tab

Macro command: Ctrl + M

Broadside/Box Labels

Macro command: Ctrl + Shift + X

Small box macro: Ctrl + Shift + Z  (use when the regular sized label will not fit)

Bookplates (custom)

    • Make custom bookplates when there is no pre-made bookplate in the bookplate drawers.
      • Plates beginning "Gift of..." usually need custom plates
      • Plates ending with "Fund" usually have pre-made plates available.
    • Make bookplates in batches of 8.
      • Open the “Bookplate page template” located in the student folder of the H drive.
      • Fill in the template with the wording provided on the routing slip.
    • Print on Houghton Library bookplate paper. Place the paper face-up in the printer, with the top of the page to the left.
    • To cut the bookplates:
      • Cut the plates into columns
      • Cut just below the "Houghton Library" text at the bottom
      • Use the marking on the small hand-cutter to trim the plates to 3 3/8" high.


Check labels to ensure that no mistakes were made in the label-making process.

      • Check that the accession number in the item matches the accession number on the routing slip.  Accession numbers are usually found on the verso of the title page, but may appear in other places.  Carefully check all areas at the beginning of an item before consulting with the cataloger.
      • For items in prefab cases, make sure that the case fits well (not too small or too thick).  Use another case size if necessary.
      • Check the call number on the routing slip, ownership label, and tab or spine label
      • If the item is a prefab or CMI, place the spine label on the case at this point.
      • Check the donor information and make sure the correct fund is used.  Consult the Alma record and Donor Plates in Houghton Library database if there is any inconsistency between the routing slip and the bookplate
      • Place the item on the "To Be Pasted" shelf

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