

Besides the cases described above, there are several supplies needed to process the collection. Contact the Technical Services Librarian or Technical Services Assistant if supplies are needed and the supplies will be ordered, including prefabs, Tyvek envelopes, and string. Additional information on the supplies and their uses are found in the Books End-Processing Manual Supplies Section.

Physical Tools

A plastic bone is used to unstiffen prefabs and smooth pasted labels in books.


Paste is used to secure ownership and bookplates into books when they are needed. The department uses methyl-cellulose paste.

Drying Supplies

Mylar clear inert plastic sheets and blotters are used when ownership and bookplates are affixed to volumes to prevent paste spillage on the volumes.

Paper Supplies

General paper supplies:

  • Archival paper is used to create ownership labels and bookplates.
  • Archival envelopes are used to store additional materials associated with a volume (e.g., spine, pages, ephemera). At times, the envelope will be cut down to fit in the case. These materials are always placed at the bottom of the case.

Labels: There are two labels used with the Project.

  • Spine labels are used to label all cases and envelopes.
  • HOU HD (and sometimes HOU THE) labels are used to label cases and envelopes sent to HD.
  • Spine label protectors are used to cover the spine labels.

Miscellaneous Supplies

Barcodes are used on all materials and scanned into Alma. See Technical Services Librarian for barcode supplies.

The Measurement Sheet records the measurements for CMIs and phase boxes during the measuring process. It is printed from a Word document on general office paper.

Clear mylar sleeves called L-velopes are used to store fragile material with the corresponding books. For example, a newspaper clipping inside a book would be removed and placed in a sleeve.