Best Practice For 33x and 007 Fields in Alma


  • Bibliographic record

    • The 33x should reflect all of the formats of the manifestation described in the bibliographic record
    • Bibliographic record should NOT have 33x fields for NET or other holdings with different formats
  • Holdings record

    • For all holdings, regardless of format 

      • Do not use 33x fields


NB:  Not every record needs the 007 field, but for those records that do, the practice has changed

  • Bibliographic record

    • 007 will NOT be stripped from Harvard’s bibliographic records upon import to Alma
    • 007 (if necessary) should reflect only the format(s) of the manifestation described in the bibliographic record
    • 007 fields should not be added to the bibliographic record to represent holdings for formats not described in the bibliographic record.
  • Holdings record

    • When the format(s) described in the bibliographic record matches the format(s) of the holdings record(s)

      • Do not copy 007 field to holdings record(s)
    • When the format(s) represented by the holdings record(s) is/are not reflected in the bibliographic record

      • Create appropriate 007 field(s) in each holdings record

Legacy records

  • Note about previous coding practices of audio visual materials

    • Previous practice mandated placement of the 007 for audio/visual materials in the holdings record instead of in the bibliographic record, even when the format described in the bibliographic record matches the format of the materials in the holdings record.  When updating one of these legacy records, please remove the 007 from the holdings, since conflicts between the holdings and bibliographic 007 might cause a duplicate in the OCLC Data Sync process. 

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