Best Practice for Unpublished Print Reproductions (Photocopies, etc.)

Creating metadata for photocopies or other unpublished print reproductions presents challenges depending on their use and relationship to other holdings at Harvard Library.  There are two possible approaches to cataloging these materials. This page provides guidance as to which best practice to use.  

Stand-Alone Unpublished Print Reproductions

If the item in hand is an unpublished print reproduction of an item that we do not own (even if we own a different instance of the same manifestation), the item should be cataloged on a separate record following provider neutral guidelines.  Please see the Best Practice for Stand-Alone Unpublished Print Reproductions

Preservation Print Facsimiles

If the item in hand is an unpublished print reproduction of an item held in the Harvard Library collection, and we still own the original, the unpublished print reproduction should follow the single-record policy, and be added to the record for the original. For these cases, where a print facsimile has been locally created to substitute for or duplicate a copy in the collection, please see the Best Practice for Holdings Records for Print Preservation Facsimiles.



an unpublished print reproduction does not reproduce an item held by Harvard Library

follow the Best Practice for Stand-Alone Unpublished Print Reproductions

an unpublished print reproduction reproduces an item that is held by Harvard Library

follow the Best Practice for Holdings Records for Print Preservation Facsimiles

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