V.10. 977 Field (bound-with)

V.10. 977 Field (bound-with)

Each physical volume at Houghton receives an item record when it is accessioned. Since each physical unit should receive only one item record, it is essential that the 977 field be added to holdings records as appropriate, i.e. whenever two or more items are bound together (or boxed if disbound). The item record is attached to one holding record (e.g., first work in the volume), and 977 field is added to the holdings record for each work except the first work in the volume/box (see bound-with section of the policy). This additionally holds true for volumes of pamphlets issued together as a nonce collection by a bookseller/publisher if the choice is to catalog each pamphlet separately (see IV.15. 501 : With Note ).

Example (author & title):

562 __ $$a Second title in a volume bound with T. Bradwardine, Preclarissimum mathematicarum opus (Valencia, 1503).  $$5 hou

852 8_ $$b HOU  $$c BOUND $$h 2022-111

977 __ $$a Bradwardine, Thomas, 1290?-1349. $$t Preclarissimum mathematicarum opus. $$f 99153819219603941

Example (Corporate body/Conference & title):

562 __ $$a Bound with: Number 3 of 4 titles bound together in a volume with the spine title: Erasmus. $$5 hou

852 8_ $$b HOU $$c BOUND $$h Typ 520.21.367

977 __ $$a Holy Roman Empire. Reichstag (1521 : Worms, Germany). $$t Beschwerungen des Hailigen Rö. Rey. $$f 990055901480203941

Example (Title main entry):

562 _ $$a Bound with: Number 5 of 11 titles bound together with spine title "Gnomologi Tvrnebi ..." $$5 hou

852 8_ $$b HOU $$c BOUND $$h WKR 18.2.16 

977 __ $$t Gnōmologiai palaiotatōn poiētōn $$f 990062417130203941

N.B. Omit subfield codes within personal, corporate or meeting names from authority files when placing them in 977 $$a.

NAF: 111 2_$$a Peace Convention $$d (1864 : $$c Cincinnati, Ohio)    977__$$a Peace Convention (1864 : Cincinnati, Ohio).

Use of 977 field for materials housed together

Example: original printed work and a facsimile copy housed together in a case

563 __ $$a Bound in original printed blue wrappers; housed in a red silk chemise in a red morocco case (34 cm) with Pragmatica sobre los diez dias del año (1584). $$5 hou

852 8_ $$a HOU $$c F $$h Typ 100.584

977 __ $$a Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II). $$t Pragmatica sobre los diez dias del año $$f 99154547616203941

N.B. Each title has its own holding and item records; hence, do not use "BOUND" in 852.

HISTORICAL NOTE: In anticipation of Aeon (ca. 2010), a global conversion was run on all Houghton and Theatre records in Aleph that attached an item record to each holdings record. In the case of bound-with, every individual title with a holdings record received an item record. Catalogers should fix these as they find them, withdrawing the item records (following the procedures for withdrawing items as outlined on the TS Acquisitions wiki page Withdrawing Items, Deleting Holdings, and Suppressing Records in Alma) and adding 977s to the appropriate holdings records. Conversely, multi-volume sets with just one holdings record only got one item record; these also should be fixed, attaching and annotating item records for each physical volume.

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