VII.1. Item Policy

VII.1. Item Policy

Copy ID

Houghton does not use this field.

Item Policy

Use "91" for everything.

Caveat: If an item is not available to patrons (e.g., currently out on loan to another institution), the "item policy" in the item record should be changed to 97 (non-requestable).  On rare occasions where an item held at Houghton should not be made available, please consult the Head of Rare Book Section.


This field is important in order that item records for multi-volume works and archival collections sort correctly.  The enumeration fields are hierarchical when mirroring 85X/86X fields in MARC holdings records; follow the MSWG's Best Practices for Item Record Enumeration Field.


This should be limited as much as possible to the Volume or Container number (e.g., Box 1, or Vol. 5).  Do not put descriptions of the material or other information in this field.

Material Types

Houghton uses only a subset of the available Material types (see below).  For manuscripts and photographs, check the Manuscripts Section's Cataloging Manual for the latest procedure/guidelines:

Item material typeUse ForReporting CodeDefinition
Art Original
ARTORIGVisual art, whose product is to be appreciated primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content; from AAT: Refers to objects that are visual in nature, were created by the use of skill and imagination, and possess an aesthetic that is valued and of a quality and type that would be collected by art museums.
BOOKItems comprising a collection of leaves of paper, parchment, wood, stiffened textile, ivory, metal tablets, or other flat material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together in a volume.
GraphicPosters, film stills, etc. Use for any Art Reproduction
a graphical item
ISSUEA single item of a periodical. Do not use Issue (bound) and Issue (looseleaf)
ManuscriptSingle-Item manuscripts, typescriptsMANUSCRIPTHandwritten documents, particularly books and other documents created before the invention of the printing press. May also be used to distinguish certain documents from published or otherwise printed documents, as in the cases of typed personal letters or a typescript from which printed versions are made
MAPRefers to graphic or photogrammetric representations of the Earth's surface or a part of it, including physical features and political boundaries, where each point corresponds to a geographical or celestial position according to a definite scale or projection. The term may also refer to similar depictions of other planets, suns, other heavenly bodies, or areas of the heavens.
MicroformUse for Microfilm, Microfiche, MicrocardMICROFORMAll media used to record microimages. This is the broader term for Microfiche and Microfilm, but also includes other microforms such as microcards, etc.
Mixed materialUsed for archival collections MIXEDUsually used for archival collections consisting of various materials housed together.
Music (Scores)

Written or printed materials (scores and/or parts) that provide instructions to performers for realizing the composition, as represented in notation, graphic, or textual format.

PHOTOGRAPHRefers to still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials, generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. The concept may include photographs made by digital means.
REALIASpecifically, in libraries, realia are physical objects that are not the books, periodicals, or sound or visual recordings typically cataloged by libraries.
Item material type for A/V materialsUse ForReporting CodeDefinition
Sound recording (Cassette)
AUDIOCASSETTECassettes of audiotape. According to international standards, the tape is usually 0.15 inches (3.8 millimetres) wide and can carry 4 to 8 tracks.
Sound recording (CD)Use for SACDs, DVD-audioCDOptical disks on which sound recordings are digitally encoded for a laser beam to scan, decode, and transmit to a playback system.
Sound recording (Digital Audio Tape)
DATMagnetic tapes on which sound is recorded digitally.
Sound recording (LP)Narrower term for phonodisc: use for LPsLPPhonodiscs that have a rotational speed of 33 1/3 rpm (revolutions per minute).
Sound Recording (Other)Broader term for all physical sound recordingsRECORDINGSOpen reel tapes, 8-track tapes, wire recordings, cylinders, rolls, or other media not represented by a narrower term, on which sound has been recorded.
Sound recording (Record)Broader term for phonodisc: use for 45s, 78s, etc.PHONODISCDiscs of shellac, polyvinyl chloride, or other substances so prepared that sound is reproduced when played on a phonograph player.
Visual material - Blu-ray
BLURAYDisc designed for the storage of high-definition video and data.
Visual material - CassetteUse for VHS, beta, U-maticVIDEOCASSETTECassettes containing recordings on videotape.
Visual material - DVD
DVDOptical disks used primarily for storing video data. They are the same size as compact discs, but designed to hold approximately seven times more digital information, including multiple layers.
Visual Material - Film Reel
FILMREELSpools used to wind lengths of photographic or motion-picture film for projection, processing, or storage.
Visual material - Laserdisc
LRDSCData storage devices, larger than DVDs, in disk form that use lasers to write and access data. The data may be stored in an analogue format such as a videodisc, or in a digital format such as a compact disk.
Visual material - RecordingUse more specific term if applicable.VRECORDRefers to manifestations of moving images, in any media.
Item material type for Electronic DataUse ForReporting CodeDefinition
CD-ROMFor audio, use Sound Recording - CDsCDROMCompact discs on which a large amount of digitized read-only data can be stored.
Data / DriveFlash drives, hard disks, external drives.DISKStructured sets of data held in computer storage, especially those that incorporate software to make them accessible in a variety of ways. Devices that, using an access mechanism under program control, enable data to be read from or written on a spinning magnetic disk, magnetic disk pack, floppy disk, or optical disk media.
DVD-ROMFor visual, use Visual Material DVDDVDRMa DVD used as a read-only optical memory device for a computer system.

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