
All Houghton Technical Services staff have access to Macro Express for creating personal macros and for using shared macros stored on the groups (H:) drive.

The documentation on this wiki is primarily about Houghton's shared macros and macro files. For information about writing macros and for general documentation and policies, see the HUL Macro Express iSite. See especially the document Macro Express B - Training Guide for guidance on creating a basic text type macro (page 6), creating a macro which will both create a field and fill it in (page 8), and composing a text type macro which does both of these in response to user input (page 10).

Getting Started with Macro Express

If you need Macro Express Pro installed on your workstation, contact Houghton's IT liaison.

New users

New Houghton employees and first-time Houghton macro users should follow these instructions to access Houghton's shared macro files:

  1. Update read-only settings in Macro Express
  2. Open the Houghton Books and/or Manuscripts shared macro files

Current users

Previous users of the Houghton macro suite or earlier versions of Macro Express at Houghton should follow these instructions to access Houghton's current shared macro files:

  1. Uninstall the old Houghton macro suite
  2. Update read-only settings in Macro Express
  3. Open the Houghton Books and/or Manuscripts shared macro files

Additional help

Houghton Macro Files

In general, users are encouraged to use the shared file on the H: drive to access Houghton macros. However, individual macros from the Houghton shared file are available for download below. Users that choose to download macros individually are responsible for managing and updating their own files.

Additional information about the macros listed below is available on the Houghton Macro User Guides page.

  File Modified

File Add 337 and 338 to holdings.mex Updated 2014-06-09 [HL-ITS macro]

Feb 25, 2015 by Vernica Downey

File Add 504 or 500 Index.mex Updated 2014-02-12 [HL-ITS macro]

Feb 25, 2015 by Vernica Downey

File Add 506 Restrictions Note.mex Updated 2015-02-25: Removed hotkey [Macro not in shared file]

Feb 25, 2015 by Vernica Downey

File Add 752.mex Updated 2017-12-05: File locations updated for Win 10

Dec 05, 2017 by Vernica Downey

File Add Simple 853-863.mex Updated 2014-02-12 [HL-ITS macro]

Feb 25, 2015 by Vernica Downey

File Books.mex Updated: 2018-03-22: Revised Create Book Item Record and Create Routing Slip PDF macros

Mar 22, 2018 by Vernica Downey

File Create Book Item Record.mex Updated: 2018-03-22: Item status changed from 02 to 91 for Aeon

Mar 22, 2018 by Vernica Downey

File Create Routing Slip PDF.mex Updated: 2018-03-22: Disabled all box-checking options as fix for Windows version issues

Mar 22, 2018 by Vernica Downey

File Search Call No All Libraries.mex Updated 2014-02-12 [HL-ITS macro: modified for HOU]

Feb 25, 2015 by Vernica Downey

File Search Call No By Location.mex Updated 2014-12-08 [HL-ITS macro: modified for HOU]

Feb 25, 2015 by Vernica Downey

HL-ITS Macros

In addition to the macros listed above, there are several macros that can be downloaded directly from the HL-ITS wiki macro files list for personal use at Houghton, including:

  • Open Aleph record from selected number <user guide> <download>
    • Opens a record in Aleph Cataloging module from a highlighted number in another program, such as Excel, Word, or a web browser