Converting Macro Express 3 macros to Macro Express Pro
Converting Macro Express 3 macros to Macro Express Pro
- Make a copy of your current Macro Express 3 file as a backup. DO NOT CONVERT YOUR FILES WITHOUT A BACKUP!
- Open Macro Express Pro Explorer by double-clicking on the red Macro Express icon in the system tray
- If you do not have the icon, first, go to the Start menu and select Macro Express Pro from the Programs menu
- Go to the File menu and select Open File
- Click Browse to find the macro file that you would like to convert
- Select Add This File to the List of Open Files
- Click OK
- Click Convert the File when the Macro Express File Error message appears
- Click Yes when the notice about adding commands to prevent macros from running simultaneously appears
- Once the conversion process finishes, your file will appear in the Categories pane
- Delete the Houghton Macros macro from your list of macros by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete Macro(s)
- Go to step 2 of the "Installing the Houghton Macro Suite" instructions
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