III.1 Standards

III.1 Standards

In general, the rules set forth in DCRM(B): Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books), or DCRMR: Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (RDA Edition), are used in cataloging Houghton's rare books and other early printed materials such as pamphlets and single-sheet publications.  Alternatively, PCC's BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile may be used (September 6, 2017 revision).  Graphic materials are cataloged according to DCRM(G): Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics), and non-rare printed materials are cataloged according to RDA.  Follow the extended local practice guidelines as outlined in this manual.

Non-rare, modern printed materials judged to have been created following techniques of the hand-press period, or requiring more detail for other reasons, will be cataloged according to the standard chosen at the cataloger's discretion. Standards and level of detail will vary depending on the material and the level of cataloging chosen for it.

Follow the DCRM(M): Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Music (Music) or BSR for music printed before 1830, or for oblong scores printed into the 1840s, or other later scores judged to require more detail. Non-rare printed scores are cataloged according to RDA.

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