Order Delivery

Order Delivery

In order to make the most efficient use of on-site time, all orders will be delivered by staff remotely.

  1. Go to the shared drive and open the folder for the order to be delivered
    1. Create a copy of the folder[s] on your desktop
  2. Open the Reproductions request in Aeon
    1. Move to the Process tab in the top menu
  3. Click Upload Item on the far right of the menu, select zip folder for upload
  4. Wait for confirmation pop-up
  5. Send confirmation email to patron
    1. Open Email tab in the top menu
    2. Click New Email and select the HOU - Item Delivered option
    3. Adjust call number/item number in final paragraph if necessary
    4. Send the email. The email will change the status to Order Delivered.

In some cases you may need to deliver image files (JPG, TIFF, etc) to patrons instead of PDFs. In those cases, when you have saved images and not PDFs, you may want to create a zipped folder to ease Aeon delivery.