EAD Normalization Group best practices for optimizing EAD ingest to ArchivesSpace

Reading orderElement categoryPracticeReasonReason categoryNext step
1SchemaUse the canonical EAD schema, not the Harvard modified schemaAS expects data that conforms to the canonical schema.SchemaWrite documentation
2<frontmatter>No frontmatterThis will be added by EAD export from ASFormer practice no longer needed 
3<language>   Best practice needs to be identified
4<descgrp>No descgrpThis will not load to ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <arrangement>Do not embed <arrangement> within <scopecontent>Roundtripped EAD from AS will be invalidPractice not supported by AS EAD export 
 <c>Always include an @level attribute value on all <c>s. If using @level="otherlevel" always include an @otherlevel value.<c> without a @level will ingest as "otherlevel" but lack @otherlevel valueNew attribute data requiredDocumentation needed
 <c>All components should have <unittitle>; in cases where formerly archivsts might have used only <unitdate>, the parent <c>'s unittitle is often a good choiceThe component-centered display in ArchivesSpace makes any component lacking a the context provided by <unittitle> text vague and cryptic, hampering recognition and interpretation of the component.New content strongly recommended 
 <c>All components must have either a <unitdate> or a <unittitle>EAD lacking this data will not load to ASNew content required 
 <chronlist><chronlist> should stand alone, not be embedded within <bioghist>Will load twice into ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <container><container> must include type and label attributes, cannot describe multiple containers in one container element, and should not include type of container as part of content.AS accommodates container numbers and types, but does not accommodate note-like container information. In addition, AS creates "top container" records based on EAD ingest. These are linked records. Placing a range of boxes, for example, in a single container element creates incorrect data about containers.Data model in AS is different from EADDocumentation needed
 <controlaccess>No <title> in <controlaccess>Finding aid will load, but data will be lost. Use <subject> or other appropriate elementPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <corpname>@role ???  Best practice needs to be identified
 <creation><creation> statement should include ingest informationInclude ingest to AS in your creation statement, e.g. "Created in Oxygen on 2016-11-18; ingested to AS on 2016-12-12"New content requiredNeeds to be tested
 <dao>One Digital Object per Archival ObjectAutomated linking to objects in the DRS is based on the ref_id of the Archival Object, which is used as an owner supplied name in DRS.New limit 
 <dao>Supply a title for digital archival objects; use <unittitle> of parent <c>xlink@title attribute is required by AS ingestNew attribute data required 
 <dao><daodesc>???  Identify best practice
 <dao>To achieve thumbnails, <daogrp> must be coded thus: ????  Identify best practice
 <extent>Collection-level <physdesc><extent> is requiredEAD lacking this data will not load to ASNew content required 
 <extent>No mixed content within <physdesc>Finding aid will ingest, but content will be lost. Specifically, if a <physdesc> has some child elements, any text that is not inside a child element will be left behind during ingest. An entirely plain-text <physdesc> is OK.New limitDocumentation needed
 <extent><extent> must begin with a numberEAD with non-numerical extent will not load to ASNew limitDocumentation needed
 <extref><extref> should be used more sparingly, consider using only if @href values link Harvard-managed linksLink rot (has nothing to do with AS), except that during migration, links became noticable and rot was thereNew recommendation 
 <index>No nested indexesImport may succeed, but data will be lacking from ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <index>Instead of creating <index>es, add controlaccess terms to componentsThis allows search and retrieval of all components across the whole corpus rather than in one finding aid.Better data model for discovery and retrieval 
 <indexentry>No nested indexentriesImport may succeed, but data will be lacking from ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <list>No nested listsImport may succeed, but data will be lacking from ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <list>no <defitem> or <list type="deflist">Import may succeed, but data will be lacking from ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <name>Avoid <name>Import may succeed, but data will be lacking from AS, use a more specific <persname>, <corpname>, or <geogname>Practice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <namegrp>No namegrpsImport may succeed, but data will be lacking from ASPractice not supported by AS EAD ingest 
 <note>Do not use <note> anywhere; where legal, use <odd> preferably with <head>Import may succeed, but <note> will be lacking from AS; <head> in <odd> provides a better label than "generic note"New limit 
 <origination>No mixed content; child elements requiredImport may succeed, but data will be lacking from AS. Any content not within the child elements <corpname>, <famname>, or <persname> will not go into AS. It will not stop ingest, but data will be lost.  Attribute values will also be lost.Practice not supported by AS EAD ingest; new constraint 
 <persname>@role ???  Best practice needs to be identified
 <processinfo>Finding aid must have a <processinfo> with <head>Aleph ID</head> and content containing the Aleph record number for the collectionIndexing of finding aids in Primo and connecting them with bibliographic records depends on this exact specification being carried out successfully.New content requiredDocumentation needed
 <ref><ref>????  Best practice needs to be identified
 <table>Do not use <table>Longstanding practice to be continuedExisting limit 
 <unitdate>Supply value for @normal in <unitdate>This had formerly been accomplished through OASIS loaderNew attribute data required 
 <unitdate>Supply certainty="approximate" value for dates if approximate New attribute data required 
 <unitdate>Do not use @startYear @endYearThese are harvard-specific attributes and will get lost in AS ingestNew limit 
 <unitdate>Do not nest <unitdate> within <unittitle>These are un-nested during AS ingest. Starting with nested <unitdate>s in EAD will give archivists an unrealistic idea of what the description will convey when un-nested.New limit 
 <unitdate>Use separate <unitdate> elements for bulk and inclusive dates, and indicate these differences by setting the @type attribute accordinglyAS cannot ingest two dates from one <unitdate> tag.New limit 
 <unitdate>Indicate approximation in <unitdate>s by setting the attribute @certainty="approximate"Circa or approximate as part of the date expression are not machine-actionableNew recommendation 
 <unitdate>If there are no dates, do not use <unitdate> at allOlder practice often resulted in the following, which cannot be ingested by AS <unitdate>undated</unitdate>. Consider whether "undated" belongs as part of the title.New limit 
 <unitid>Collection-level <unitid> is requiredEAD lacking this data will not load to ASNew content required 
 <unitid>Use only one <unitid>. If more than one <unitid> is needed, either place them in separate <c> elements or concatenate all into a single <unitid>AS will ingest the finding aid, but content will be lost. All but one of the <unitid>s will be lacking.New limit 
 <unittitle>Collection-level <unittitle> is requiredEAD lacking this data will not load to ASNew content required 
 <unittitle>Use only one <unittitle>. If more than one <unittitle> is needed, either place them in separate <c> elements or concatenate all into a single <unittitle>AS will ingest the finding aid, but content will be lost. All but one of the <unittitle>s will be lacking.New limit 
 <extent>All <extent> measurement types must come from same list used in AS; if non-canonical measurements are needed, consider a separate <physdesc>Non-matches will have two results: calculations based on measurements will be inaccurrate, AS extent drop-down will become clutteredNew limitDocumentation needed
 <bibliography>Avoid <bibliography>?  Best practice needs to be identified
 <ptrgrp>avoid <ptrgrp>???  Best practice needs to be identified

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