Best Practices for Item Record Enumeration Field


The functionality of the Enumeration field in item records is different in Alma than it was in Aleph. The data contained in it can be used by patrons in Hollis to sort items to find what they are looking for more easily.  For this reason, these best practices aim to maximize the benefits of the new functionality.

Hierarchical nature of Enumeration fields

Mirroring 85X/86X fields in MARC holdings records, Enumeration fields A-H are hierarchical, with Enumeration A being the highest level. Information about parts of a higher level should not be recorded in a lower hierarchical field when what is recorded in the higher level represents a span of values (i.e., involves a hyphen). In other words, details about what numbers of a volume are included in an item can be expressed in Enumeration B only when a single volume is recorded in Enumeration A.


Description field: v.1:no.2-3

Enumeration A field: 1

Enumeration B field: 2-3

Description field: v.1:no.2-v.2:no.5

Enumeration A field: 1-2

Enumeration B field: blank


Description field: v.1:no.2-v.2:no.5

Enumeration A field: 1-2

Enumeration B field: 2-5

Indicating Gaps 

When there are gaps: use commas to detail gaps:

Description field: v.1, 3-4

Enumeration A field: 1, 3-4

Description field: v.9:no.5, 7

Enumeration A field: 9

Enumeration B field: 5, 7

  • Statements made lengthy due to recording many gaps still display in full to the public.

  • If there are more gaps than can be reasonably detailed, record first and last number in the span.

When chronology serves as enumeration (i.e., year stands in for volume number because no numbers appear on issues) 

Record chronology in Enumeration fields, not in Chronology fields:

Please note that brackets are used only in Description fields.

Description field: 1904-1908

Enumeration A field: 1904-1908

Description field:  1904:no.1-5

Enumeration A field: 1904

Enumeration B field: 1-5

Description field: 5721-5779 [1961-2019]

Enumeration A field: 5721-2779

Description field: 1984 [spring]

Enumeration A field: 1984

Alternative numbering  

Record alternative numbering, if known, in Enumeration fields G and H (please note that these are not labeled "Alternative Numbering" in Alma). Although these fields do not currently display to the public, it is considered best practice to record the information in Alma. Alternative numbering may also appear in these fields when items are created via prediction and subfields concerning alternative numbering are included in the prediction pattern. 

Monographic series

For monographic series, it is recommended to record enumeration and chronological date in the item record  only when the item record is attached to the main series record. When an item record is attached to the bibliographic record representing the individual volume, then there is no need to record volume enumeration or chronological date unless the bibliographic record represents multiple volumes (a work-in-parts) and enumeration or chronological date is needed to identify the part.  

Bd. 3:Tb.3

Bd.3:Tb.4 (1993) [revised version of 1952 Bd.3:Tb.4], published as part of the original series and attached to main series record]


For supplements to numbered parts, use the term “suppl.” in the Enumeration field that follows those that record the number(s) of the part.  In cases when the supplement itself is also numbered, record that numbering in the next available Enumeration field:

Description field:  v.1:suppl. (1920)

Enumeration A field: 1

Enumeration B field: suppl.

Description field:  v.100:pt.2:suppl. (2014)

Enumeration A field: 100

Enumeration B field: 2

Enumeration C field: suppl.

Description field:  v.44:suppl.1 (2001)

Enumeration A field: 44

Enumeration B field: suppl.

Enumeration C field: 1

For unnumbered supplements, use the term “suppl.” (or its equivalent) in Enumeration A field

Description field:  suppl.(1980)

Enumeration A field: suppl.

For numbered supplements that have no relationship to any particular part (and are not cataloged separately from the parent work), use the term “suppl.” in Enumeration A field followed by the numbering of the supplement itself in Enumeration B field:

Description field:  suppl.2(1899)

Enumeration A field: suppl.

Enumeration B field: 2

Note on supplements in legal publications

In legal publications, supplements are often published and used differently than in other publications. They are more an integral part of the publication (often with regularly scheduled “updates”) than a supplement to the publication. For example, in many looseleaf publications, each delivery of looseleaf pages is designated as a supplement. It is recommended that for supplements in legal publications established patterns be followed. When in doubt, please consult with a serials cataloger or other appropriate serials staff member working with Law School materials.


For items that represent separate indexes to one or many parts, include the term "index" followed by the volume numbers covered, in the Enumeration A field:

Description field:  index:v.1-5 (1960-1964)

Enumeration A field: index:1-5

Do not create “phony” enumeration by adding decimals to issue numbers for indexes (or supplements) to particular issues. For example, do not use “1.1” in the Enumeration field in the item record for the index to volume 1. (This was done in Aleph to influence the ordering of items in public and technical services displays, and is no longer necessary.)  

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