Processing Thesis Requests
Processing Thesis Requests
Sharing the combined research of Harvard graduates is an important part of the Harvard Library mission encouraging the “dissemination of knowledge.” While the copyright for many theses and dissertations still belongs to the author, Imaging Services can provide copies for scholarly research. If a patron wishes to publish from such a work, s/he must obtain permission from the copyright holder.
We charge a flat fee of $125.00 for delivery of theses and dissertations in PDF format, and an Aeon “Service Pack” has been designed for easy entry of all services related to duplication.
When order is received:
- Apply “Thesis/Dissertation” flag.
- Make sure that “Owning Library” is accurate (some are imported with “other” in this field, but we should correct this to a standard three-letter code, usually HUA). If multiple copies of a thesis exist, use HUA, if possible. (Detailed HUA thesis workflow avaiable here.)
- Make sure Call Number and HOLLIS ID fields are filled in accurately.
- Delete existing services and apply “OTC: Thesis Digitization (Lab, Deliver PDF, Deposit PDF)” service pack.
- Click "Create Invoice" and "Send Invoice."
When payment is received:
- Order thesis from HUA (or owning repository, if different)
- Change Transaction Status to “In Imaging Services” when original arrives in the office.
- Deliver to D-20.
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