Transaction Queue use by Patron Services

Transaction Queue use by Patron Services

Transaction Queue use by Patron Services

The Transaction Status (also known as the Circulation Status) in Aeon specifies the physical location of original material. It appears at the bottom left corner of every Aeon record. This important feature allows owning repositories to know where their materials are at all times.

For Aeon-Using Repositories:

When processing orders with a shared SITE (MUSPRES, HOUPRES, FALPRES, etc.), the only change Patron Services will ever make to the transaction queue status is to change it from:

In Imaging Services


In Imaging Services - Ready for Pickup.

For non-Aeon-using repositories:

When processing orders from repositories that do not use Aeon, Patron Services will use the Transaction Status in the following limited, but meaningful ways. 

Awaiting HD Delivery  (Patron sees: "Offsite Request in Process")

Change (route) to this status when materials are requested from HD.

In Imaging Services  (Patron sees: "Photoduplication Request in Process")

Change (route) to this status when materials arrive in our office, or in any production area.

In Imaging Services - Ready for Pickup  (Patron sees: "Photoduplication Request in Process")

Change (route) to this status when orders are finished and materials come back to the office.

Item Reshelved  (Patron sees: "Item Returned")

Route here when original item is either returned to Widener Circulation Desk, or picked up by owning repository. (The system will automatically and immediately route again to “Request Finished” but the History shows this extra step.)

Request Finished  (Patron sees: "Item Returned")

Change (route) to this queue when the material has left our hands. This is the ultimate last step for all orders. Those routed to "Item Reshelved" will come here automatically. All project orders should be routed here when the billing is complete.

Special use: DRS download orders will be routed here when the images have been downloaded and are ready to deliver upon payment.

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