E-Resources cataloging best practice: Aleph collection code ERES

This does not apply in Alma

Aleph collection code NET ERES

A new practice for identifying many e-resources available Harvard-wide is being implemented in August 2017. This will allow us to separate our "remote" online holdings (i.e. hosted by vendors) from our locally digitized holdings in anticipation of Alma migration. 

In order to distinguish these holdings, the Aleph NET holding should use the collection code ERES, instead of GEN: 

852 |b NET |c ERES

Qualifying e-resources:

  1. are available online
  2. are available to all of Harvard (i.e. not licensed for a single school, or a limited number of schools or units)
  3. are not digitized by and hosted at Harvard 
  4. do not have a more specific collection code (e.g. MRCIT or DBASE)
  5. do not have critical notes in MARC holdings fields (e.g. 538, 562, 583, 843)

Catalogers creating NET holdings manually should begin using the code on September 1, 2017.

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