Best Practice for Holdings Records for Print Preservation Facsimiles


Preservation Print Facsimiles

If the item in hand is an unpublished print reproduction of an item held in the Harvard Library collection, and we still own the original, the unpublished print reproduction should follow the single-record policy, and be added to the record for the original,  

In cases where original becomes a "dark" copy

  • For occasions when print preservation facsimiles are created for damaged or fragile items, and the original item is not available for patron use, this original print copy is retained as a "dark" copy.
  • This "dark" copy serves both as proof of copyright compliance and to provide a safety net for the recapture of the original if the print facsimile is damaged at some point in the future. 
  • "Dark" copies should be kept offisite (or at some other patron-inaccessible location).
  • Please note: Metadata Standards Working Group is agnostic about the choice to suppress the original holdings, recognizing that the decision whether or not to do so will depend on a variety of factors. We do note that historical suppression of items was done to ensure that the item was unavailable to patrons, something that can now be accomplished at the item policy level. If a decision is made to suppress, the recommended best practice is to place a note in the holdings explaining the reason for suppression.  

Holdings records should be adapted (original holdings) and created (facsimile holdings) as follows: 

  • Original item:
    • Holdings:
      • Change holdings location if necessary
      • 506 1 $$a Restricted: Material extremely fragile. Use preservation facsimile
      • 852 $$x Retain as proof of copyright compliance
      • 583 1 $$a reproduced in print $$c YYYYMMDD $$i facsimile $$k Harvard Library Collections Care $$2 pda 
      • If holdings are suppressed, an additional 583 note should include the reason for suppression:
        • Example: 583 1 $$a suppressed $$c YYYYMMDD  $$l under copyright $$k [initials of person suppressing record]
    • Items:
      • Change Item Policy to 89, Not available for use. 
  • Facsimile:
    • Holdings:
      • Create new holding with appropriate location code
      • Add 852 $$x Original stored at [location, e.g., HD] $$z Preservation facsimile
      • Add 843 field with manufacturer information (Harvard Library Collections Care, Acme, etc.), including note specifying which copy served as the original for the facsimile
        • Example: 843 $$a Preservation facsimile. $$b Cambridge, Mass. : $$c Harvard Library Collections Care, $$d YYYY. $$n Copy reproduced: [location, call number, copy number] $$7 sYYYY    maun
          • YYYY refers to the year of printing
      • Create new call number or copy number if held in same location; otherwise use same call number as original; alternatively add year of reproduction to call number, or lowercase a
    • Item
      • Create item record for reproduction
      • If barcode of original was reproduced in digitization, cross this out or cover up

In cases where original continues to be available (please exercise due diligence with regards to copyright issues)

In situations where holding library determines the original copy may still be used AND copyright is not relevant (where the original is retained as an additional use copy) 

Holdings records for these materials should be adapted (original holdings) and created (facsimile holdings) as follows: 

  • Original holdings:
    • 506 1 $$a Fragile. Prefer preservation facsimile
    • 852 $$x Retain as proof of copyright compliance
    • 852 $$z Preservation facsimile also available
    • 583 1 $$a reproduced in print $$c YYYYMMDD $$i facsimile $$k Harvard Library Collection Care $$2 pda
  • Facsimile:
    • Create new holding
    •  852 $$x Original stored at [location, e.g., HD] $$z Preservation facsimile
    • Add 843 field with manufacturer information (Harvard Library Collection Care, Acme, etc.), including note specifying which copy served as the original for the facsimile
      • Example: 843 $$a Preservation facsimile. $$b Cambridge, Mass. : $$c Harvard Library Collection Care, $$d YYYY. $$n Copy reproduced: [location, call number, copy number] $$7 sYYYY    maun
        • YYYY refers to the year of printing
    • Create new call number or copy number, if held in same location; otherwise use same call number as original; alternatively add year of reproduction to call number, or lowercase a
    • Create item record for reproduction
    • If barcode of original was reproduced in digitization, cross this out or cover up (this need not be completely blacked out, as long as the barcode as invalidated and it is clear that this barcode no longer applies)

For any further guidance regarding copyright issues for preservation copies and their related originals, please contact your Copyright First Responder.

Related Best Practice

For cases where Harvard owns an unpublished print reproduction of an item/manifestation, but we do not own the original item from which the unpublished print reproduction was made, please see the Best Practice for Stand-Alone Unpublished Print Reproductions.

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