Best Practice for Stand-Alone Unpublished Print Reproductions

Provider Neutral Guidelines for Print Reproductions 

For cases where Harvard owns an unpublished print reproduction of an item/manifestation, but we do not own the original item from which the unpublished print reproduction was made, the best practice is to follow provider neutral guidelines for these materials. 

Originally designed for e-resources in AACR2, the PCC provider-neutral model has been updated for RDA ( and has been adapted for use with print on demand and print reproductions (e.g., photocopies and photostats).

The model of a provider neutral approach is one where a single bibliographic record describes all manifestations of like reproductions regardless of which publisher, aggregator, or manufacturer is making the manifestation available.  For instance, a photocopy of a book made by the University of Michigan would be on the same record as a photocopy of the same book created by Yale. It should be noted that this is only appropriate for identical manifestations of an expression.

The specifics of how to catalog these print reproductions can be found in LC-PCC PS 1.11 (see

Serials catalogers should consult a newly developed section (32.4) of the CONSER Cataloging Manual, which should appear in the near future in Cataloger’s Desktop.

Related practice

For Print Preservation Facsimiles, please see the Best Practice for Holdings Records for Print Preservation Facsimiles.

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