Radcliffe College Archives screening for researchers

Radcliffe College Archives screening for researchers

All Radcliffe College Archives material is governed by Harvard University record restrictions:

                          Student records are closed to research for 80 years from the student's date of separation.

                          All other records are closed for 50 years except with the permission of  the appropriate Dean.

Past processing and screening of Radcliffe College Archives material has been spotty at best. In most cases, research use of Radcliffe College Archives material requires screening by Library archivists to check for either of the above restrictions. 


  • Researcher requests use of RCA material.
  • Public Services staff assess the request, determine how many folders/boxes need screening, and recall material from HD
  • Public Services staff alert archivists of the screening request, the amount of folders, and discuss timeframe.
  • Archivist screens folders for 50/80 restrictions.
  • Archivists records all screening outcomes on folder, on red card on box, in SL Tracker notes field.
  • Archivist communicates back to Public Services staff which folders may be used and which must remain closed.
  • Public Services staff communicate with researcher and request permission from Dean.


Student records: transcripts, grades, disciplinary notices, letters of recommendation.

It is sometimes difficult to determine what is a student record. Discuss with fellow archivists if unsure.

Other records: Anything less than 50 years old (in 2025, this means 1975) must be screened. In general we look for the following kinds of material: personnel records, Radcliffe College financial information, Harvard University-generated records. Past practice has tended to close material dealing specifically with the 1999 merger of Radcliffe College and Harvard University. Going forward we will be less likely to close this material as long as it does not include the above kinds of information.


If you screen a folder and it is ok to open to research:

  • Write in pencil on the folder "screened and OK to use" with date and your initials
  • Make sure the box has a red card on the side. On the red card, write the following: "Folder X screened and OK to use. All others must be screened before use."
  • Find the box in Tracker and in the NOTES field record the same information: "Folder X screened and OK to use. All others must be screened before use."

If you screen a folder and determine it has some of the kinds of material listed above, it will be closed for research for 50 years.

  • Stamp folder with red ink or write in red pencil: "CLOSED UNTIL 20XX" where XX is 50 years from the latest date in the folder.
  • Make sure the box has a red card on the side. On the red card, write the following: "Folder X is closed until 20XX. All others must be screened before use."
  • Find the box in Tracker and in the NOTES field record the same information: "Folder X is closed until 20XX. All others must be screened before use."

If you screen a folder and determine it has student records

and A. it is otherwise open to research:

and B: it is otherwise closed for 50 years:


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