Printing the finding aid

When your finding aid has been posted online, please print a copy for the department's control files.

  • Open the finding aid in Hollis for Archival Discovery
  • Click "View PDF" button in the top left corner
  • Open PDF in Adobe Acrobat
  • The PDF will open; it has a title page, page headers, and numbered pages already.
  • Print a copy (double sided please)
  • File this copy in the Manuscript Department's files in three-drawer lateral cabinet outside 420. Each finding aid receives its own folder and is filed alphabetically by collection name; the MC number is listed on the left side of the folder tab, with the collection name in the middle (e.g.: MC 468      Fisher, MFK;  or 2005-M96    National Organization for Women).

Should you need to send a hard copy to the donor, you can also do that (see Communicating with donors)

As of July 2018, we will no longer print finding aid copies for Research Services binders.


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