Photoduplication Queues and Routing


    1. The following queues can be ignored:

      1. Awaiting Order Submittal: orders that have been started but not yet submitted.

      2. Awaiting Order Approval: we escape this step in our workflow design

    2. The generic queues we are using

      1. Order Cancelled by Staff

      2. Order Cancelled by User
    1. Project orders will go directly into “Order In Production” queue.

    2. Detailed movements of the orders and staff who have worked on the orders can be found in the history.

    3. Along the way, an order might be cancelled for a variety of reasons. Use the “Cancel” button (the button with dropdown arrow). Select reason for cancellation and review the message prior to sending.

    4. When creating new queues and routing rules to update statuses, please consider how these new queues/statuses and rules will affect reports using the reporting services. (There should not be any problems for the current monthly financial reports, since they use payment date.)

II. Photoduplication Queues (PRES customized)

1 - Order Submitted

    • This is a renaming of the default “Awaiting Order Processing” queue.

    • State: Awaiting Order Processing

    • Description: Patron orders submitted but not yet viewed by staff.

    • From: Patron-facing Aeon Web order form.

    • Next queue and actions moving order to next queue:

      • 2 - Order Under Review

        • Automatic - upon sending of “Permissions response - Yes" or “Thesis Response - Standard” email.

        • Manual - by staff member who opens the order and initiates review process.

      • “Order Cancelled by Staff”

        • Automatic - after staff manually cancels the order using “Cancel” button with cancellation email under Home tab.

2 - Order Under Review

    • Customized queue.

    • State: Awaiting Order Processing

    • Description: The orders are moved to this queue as staff recall the material, discuss options with the owning repository, check the condition, etc., and patron has been notified.

    • From: “1 - Order Submitted”

    • Next queue and actions moving order to next queue:

      • “3 - Order Quote Issued”

        • Automatic - when “Generate Invoice” button is clicked under Process tab.

      • “Order Cancelled by Staff”

        • Automatic - after staff manually cancels the order using “Cancel” button with cancellation email under Home tab.

3 - Order Quote Issued

    • This is a renaming of the default “Awaiting Order Billing” queue.

    • State: Awaiting Order Billing

    • Description: An order is moved to this queue when a Service Quote has been generated.

    • From: “2 - Order Under Review”

    • Next queue and actions moving order to next queue:

      • “4 - Order Payment Received”

        • Automatic - when patron pays online

        • Manual - by staff after manually entering and saving a non-online payment

      • “Order Cancelled by Staff”

        • Automatic - after staff manually cancels the order with a “no payment” email sent (with reason and note).

4 - Order Payment Received

    • This is a renaming of the default “Awaiting Item Delivery” queue.

    • State: Awaiting Item Delivery

    • Description: Orders for which the payment has been received.

    • From: “Order Quote Issued”

    • Next queue and action moving order to next queue

      • “5 - Order In Production”

        • Manual - by production staff upon receipt of job ticket and materials to be digitized. (NOTE: a routing rule prevents moving OTC requests with non-zero balance into “5 - Order In Production”)

5 - Order In Production

    • Customized queue.

    • State: Awaiting Item Delivery

    • Description: Once payment has been received and recorded, and original materials arrive in production areas and are paired with a job ticket, orders are moved to this queue by production staff.

    • From: “4 - Order Payment Received” (note: Project orders are automatically routed to this queue without passing through any previous queues.)

    • Next queue and actions moving order to next queue:

      • “6 - Order Delivered”

        • Manual - for OTC orders - by staff member who completes the delivery.   (For orders with online FTP delivery, the stuff who uploaded the files to FTP server will do the routing via sending out an PRES: Order Delivered email; for orders with Fedex mailing, the stuff who mailed package will do the routing via sending out an PRES: Order Delivered email; for orders with campus pickup, the staff who handed the product to the patron will do the routing; for orders with online catalog linking, imaging production stuffs will manually route the orders into 6a. without sending out any emails.)

        • Manual - for Project orders - Production staff members make necessary updates to quantity fields on paperwork, and Patron Services staffs will update the service quantity fields, Payment information in Aeon, and route the orders to “6 - Order Delivered”

6 - Order Delivered

    • This is a renaming of the default “Item Delivered” queue.

    • State: Item Delivered

    • Description: After production, orders are routed to this queue manually. The routing rules will then sort and route automatically into other queues. (This is just a holding area, a “transitory queue” in Aeon terms. If we find this queue is not empty, we have some problematic orders or problematic routing rules.) Note: the sequence of the routing rules in the customization manager is important, please make sure routing rules appear in this order: “6a - Post Digital Capture Services”, “7a - Order Finished with Problems”, and “7 - Order Finished”.

    • From: “5 - Order in Production”

    • Next queue and actions moving order to next queue:

      • “6a - Post Digital Capture Services”

        • Automatic - for OTC orders which have DRS-related services

      • “7a - Order Finished with Problems”

        • Automatic - if an order reaches “7 - Order Finished” with payment balance unequal to zero.

      • “7 - Order Finished”

        • Automatic - for all other cases.

6a - Post Digital Capture Services

    • Customized queue.

    • State: Item Delivered

    • Description: This queue is for post-capture services such as DRS deposit.

    • From: “6 - Order Delivered”

    • Next queue and action moving order to next queue:

      • “7 - Order Finished”

        • Manual - by the staff person who completes “post digital capture services.”

7 - Order Finished

    • State: Order Finished.

    • Description: All orders that are completely finished in every way move here.

    • From: “6 - Order Delivered,” “6a - Post Digital Capture Services,” or “7a - Order Finished with Problems”

    • Next queue and action moving order to next queue:

      • “7a - Order Finished with Problems”

        • Automatic -  if an order is routed to “7 - Order Finished” while payment balance is not zero.

7a - Order Finished with Problems

    • Customized queue.

    • State: Order Finished

    • Description: An order is automatically routed here after reaching “7 - Order Finished” with payment balance unequal to zero.  

    • From: “7 - Order Finished”

    • Next queue and action moving order to next queue:

      • “7 - Order Finished”

        • Manual - by staff member who resolves the problem.

III. Transaction Queues

    • Repositories which have Aeon installations will manage their circ/transaction side of the queue,

    • All non-Aeon repository online requests (site as PRES) will be coming into “Awaiting Photoduplication Processing” queue.  At the end, Patron Services will route them into “Request Finished”. So that these requests will show as completed in patron’s web site and do not have impact on request limit count.

    • All project requests created through Aeon client will have the status as “Awaiting Activity Processing” (default).  At the end, Patron Services will route them into “Request Finished”. So that these requests will show as completed in patron’s web site

IV. Routing

NOTE: the order/sequencing of the routing rules in the Aeon Routing table is VERY IMPORTANTFor procedures of making changes in the routing rules, please see Making Changes in Routing.




Awaiting Request Processing

Match String

t.Site LIKE 'PRES'

New Status

Awaiting Photoduplication Processing


Move requests directly coming to PRES into "Awaiting Photoduplication Processing"




Awaiting Request Processing

Match String

t.Site LIKE 'PRES'

New Status

Awaiting Photoduplication Processing


Move requests directly coming to PRES into "Awaiting Photoduplication Processing".  The activity related requests created in the Aeon client will not trigger this routing, and they will stay with “Awaiting Request Processing” status.


(Above two rules should appear as the first two rules in the routing table)



Awaiting Order Approval

Match String

t.Site like 'PRES' and t.ActivityID is Not Null

New Status

5 - Order In Production


Move project requests into the production queue once the billing info entered and saved by "Generate Invoice" button.  We are assuming PRES only use activity to track its projects!




Awaiting Order Approval

Match String

t.Site like '%PRES%' or t.Site like '%HOU%'

New Status

3 - Order Quote Issued


Step over "Awaiting Order Approval" status.  If we have other repositories other than PRES and HOU are going to issue orders, this rule needs to be updated.




6 - Order Delivered

Match String

t.ActivityID is Null and t.TransactionNumber IN (SELECT TransactionNumber FROM BillingDetails bd WHERE bd.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber AND bd.BillingType LIKE '%Deposit%')

New Status

6a - Post Digital Capture Services


Move OTC requests which contain DRS Deposit service into a special queue.  NOTE: changing the Deposit service name will affect this rule.




6 - Order Delivered

Match String

t.Site LIKE '%PRES%' and t.TransactionNumber NOT IN (SELECT TransactionNumber FROM BillingPayments bp WHERE bp.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber GROUP BY  bp.TransactionNumber Having SUM(bp.PaymentAmount) = (SELECT SUM(bd.UnitFee*bd.Quantity) FROM BillingDetails bd WHERE bd.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber))

New Status

7a - Order Finished with Problems


Route “finished” but payment balance not-zero requests to problem queue.




6 - Order Delivered

Match String

t.Site LIKE '%PRES%'

New Status

7 - Order Finished


Drop requests into finished after they passed the previous rules.




5 - Order in Production

Match String

t.Site Like '%PRES%' and t.ActivityID is Null and t.TransactionNumber NOT IN (SELECT TransactionNumber FROM BillingPayments bp WHERE bp.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber GROUP BY  bp.TransactionNumber Having SUM(bp.PaymentAmount) = (SELECT SUM(bd.UnitFee*bd.Quantity) FROM BillingDetails bd WHERE bd.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber))

New Status

3 - Order Quote Issued


Cannot move OTC requests into production without full payment entered.  Kick them back to “3 - Order Quote Issued”.




7 - Order Finished

Match String

t.Site LIKE '%PRES%' and t.TransactionNumber NOT IN (SELECT TransactionNumber FROM BillingPayments bp WHERE bp.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber GROUP BY  bp.TransactionNumber Having SUM(bp.PaymentAmount) = (SELECT SUM(bd.UnitFee*bd.Quantity) FROM BillingDetails bd WHERE bd.TransactionNumber = t.TransactionNumber))

New Status

7a - Order Finished with Problems


Payment doesn't match.  Put the requests to the problem queue, so the staffs can take a look.  Remember: manually move the requests back to “7 - Order Finished” after fixing the problems.